IT"S ON! (1)
Waiting to be defronted… (2)Time on front 2:16 AM 7/8/08Edit: First person to get Comment# 1000 gets five REAL make-believe American dollars!(3)Edit 2: First staff to defront this is a skater-hater. >_>(4)Okay… DSG has two pictures and a sentence or two and I have like FOUR sentences! >_<Here are my pictures, since it's caturday:

Yeah, I was watching movies over my friend's house and he just attacks me screaming "MAN TUSSLE!" The we turned off the lights and turned them back on.
Wow, that was really immature.
I can't even believe you would insult me like that, my fuzzy little man peach.
Yay, Acid!
Thank you for confirming my suspicions of me being a fuzzy little man peach.
Don't underestimate my power, Obi Wan.
You are contributing to the devil, now you must DIE!!!