Atheists are right

Posted by BMB on Aug. 7, 2006, 8:57 p.m.

You know I'm really starting to get sick and tired of people pretending to be a Christian. It's not something you can just "play pretend" on. As I look around, for example, on MySpace like 70% the users have the "Christian - Other" under religion, but when it comes down to it about half of them REALLY DON'T care about it. Here, I'll sum up the average Joe American teen's thoughts on religion:

"I know God's real… I believe in God and Jesus and stuff, I'm just not religious or anything… I'm mean I believe in him & I'm a pretty good person, so I'll get to Heaven."

You don't know how many times I hear this, and most of you reading this are just like that. The sad thing is that you actually believe it!

"Oh, I don't believe in Hell or the Devil, or even if it does exist I don't think God sends people there, he's supposed to be a loving god. He wouldn't do that"

Your right, God doesn't send people to Hell, we choose our path in life thus we choose to take ourselves there.

Another thing that quote makes me realize is this: You claim to believe in God, yet you denie what he says. His word clearly says that their IS in fact a HELL. This is the same thing with saying that you can believe that life evolved over millions and billions of years and still believe in God. You CAN'T! You're saying that what he said he did and what he actually did are two different things. God doesn't lie! Although according to your made up religion he does. You see, the so call religion you follow is FAKE, made up and just like the Atheists say, someone just made it up to explain unknown things in a way that makes you happy. You see they ARE RIGHT when they say that your God doesn't exist. Wanna know why, because you made him up! Really, you made up everything you know as to be "God", you've honestly never read the Bible which is the written word of the REAL God. Your God is all in your head, never really there.

Alright… I guess what I was trying to do what to separate the REAL believers from the people that claim to believe just because everyone else's doing it. If you don't even know about the religion you claim to follow, don't claim to follow it anymore because you obviously don't already.


Takagi 17 years, 9 months ago

I thought Tom was too busy jumping on Oprah's couch to do that.

Polystyrene Man 17 years, 9 months ago

I'm tired of this, too, but you're missing something:

People who don't believe in God/Satan aren't necessarily Atheists, as Atheism itself can be considered a type of 'religion'.

And you may be right that humans didn't magically 'appear', but how do you think the origins of the universe came to be? Do you think it just happened?. Someone had to press the big red button.

Science has disproven the Old Testament hundreds of times- and with good reason, but the cold hard fact is that both God and Satan exist. There cannot be good without evil.

There are Christians (like myself) who believe in a form of God-controlled evolution (theistic evolution), so don't stereotype.

Antimatter exists. It has been created by CERN.

Az 17 years, 8 months ago

I'm not Ned flanders, or infact anything near religous.

Melee is our god (for 64)

BMB 17 years, 8 months ago

Prove to me that god exists (or any other divine entity), and I'll believe it.

Ok, then prove evolution and get $250,000. I'm for real, check this out: