What I've Been Up To

Posted by CaptainLepidus on July 1, 2012, 12:58 p.m.

So, I got bored of my RPG entry, as I do with every game I try to make…:/ However, I've been making progress on another project! It's browser-based, it's in space, it's strategic, and…yeah! It's at apps.arcoria.net/Edenite . Testers would be cool.

I haven't done much with GM recently, web development is 100x more satisfying. However, I'm off on a vacation without internet for a week now, so I'll be working on my old interactive fiction game, probably. Edit: Oh guys real quick, send me IF puzzles. I'm bad at that kind of thing, I'm better with story. It's set in the 20th century, in a remote village. It's gonna have cultists and demons 'n' stuff :)

I posted a list of my top 5 favorite GM developers on Twitter. Got a huge number of responses and some new followers. So, the lesson of this story is: post controversial shtuff, it's good for publicity.

So yeah, that's what I've been doing. Erm…I can't end blogs.
