I promised I'd do lots of devlogs and streams and such, but only ended up doing one of each. This is the first competition I've taken seriously since RPG4D2012, and every other competition entry has suffered from extreme burnout. I experienced that on this game as well, and having the end of the semester occur within the same month made that no easier.
The original goal for this game was to have eight characters, each with a strength and weakness pertaining to puzzles, and each with relationships which influenced how other characters performed their puzzles (to the point where one might sacrifice himself to the Vespere Hour to ensure your safety). Knowing I wasn't going to be able to manage this, I cut the playable roster to two. Due to the spriting required, I didn't even do that.
I may have started this game on April 1st, but I didn't actually start doing serious work on it until about a week ago, when my finals ended. I wish I had the time and skill to create models better than cubes, but at the end of the day, I think I ended up with a pretty good product, and a good base for future development.
I'm hoping to take this game beyond the competition and see if I can't call it my first serious game.
I know none of you care about the trials a developer takes to create something, but I thought I'd share my experiences with my favorite community anyway.
Looking forward to playing everyone's entries. If time allows, I'll write a review blog. If time REALLY allows, I'd like to do that Let's Play that I've been promising for the past two years. This time I actually have the hardware and software I need.