At Last

Posted by Eva unit-01 on Nov. 3, 2012, 3:47 a.m.

A few days ago, I got into a little spat with my ex/best friend, early in the morning. She went off, blatantly calling me clingy, and a moaner, when I've been one of the most supportive people in her life recently outside family. I promptly said "okay, screw you too," and left. I had school in close to 30 minutes anyway.

Went to class. Typography. It was alright… it was typography…

I left about 30 minutes early, not wanting to go home. Instead I went directly to the skatepark, wondering what the skaters were doing for Halloween at 11am. I get there, and there's barely anyone there. I only stay for about an hour and a half, and it was a pretty good session, and a great, sunny day.

From there, I just feel like wandering. Any direction, I didn't care how far. I ended traveling along the Platte River Trail, eventually coming to a small resting area to watch ducks for half an hour.

Got up, and headed down the path, not stopping. Trying to clear my head of stuff. Along the way, I came across what looked like a malformed shoestring in the middle of the trail. It was a snake. Didn't know what kind, didn't really care tbh, but it wiggled away as I tried to take a picture of it. Ah well.

So I kept going until I got to a place called Frog Hollow, at which point I turned around and went all the way back.

I then made a 4-mile journey up to my old neighborhood I haven't walked around in a good 4 years now maybe.

I took a lot of pictures. Here are a few taken from the oftentimes shitty iPod Touch camera.

This is Ferril Lake in City Park

I used to have to walk around this every day just to get to school. And it's pretty big.

This is looking out to the to the city from one of the entrances of the Denver Museum of Nature and Science

I also found this guy around there… I don't remember him being there a few years back.

This is the house I grew up in for 17 years. Miss the place. It has a huge back yard, as do most of the houses around the golf course area.

Hell, some of the houses are pretty big too.

Another shot of my beloved Denver from the golf course.

Some weird church that I've always seen growing up. But I really like it… for some reason.

This was the highschool I went to for 3 years. East High. The clock tower is all chained off-limits, so I've never seen wassup in there.

Another one of those giant city-churches. Except this one's flying the Denver flag. REP.

This is the Denver City & County building right by Civic Center Park. Never been in there, but it lights up a different color every night, and even moreso on Christmas and etc.

The obligatory cowboy statue in Civic Center Park, for those that sometimes forget they're in Colorado.

The whole place got that Roman/Greek architecture goin' on. Too bad it's usually flooded with the shadiest of people. As soon as I walked into the place, I got offered weed.

I have no idea what this building is, but I thought the scene looked awesome, so I snapped it.

I was right between the Denver Art Museum, and the Denver Library

So yea, I think I ended up walking/skating. Skalking? For at least 10-15 miles. I left class about about 11:30am. I didn't get home until 6:30pm. My legs were in total lockup agony, but hey, I got some exercise, and plenty of time to think.

One thing I learned is that nice guys always seem to get fucked over, but I can't help it.

Also here's some art.

One from me.

One for your childhood.


I was also thinking about the design I would draw on the grip of my next deck. I whipped this up, and will totally do this when I get another one.

Hope you enjoyed my hopeless, bad image quality, quest with me.


Cesque 11 years, 6 months ago

Any relationship between the Denver museum with the brachiosaurus model and this?

Eva unit-01 11 years, 6 months ago

haha, I have no idea, but probably not. You can't see it, cause it's over the railing and wayyyyy down below, but there's some sort of raptor stalking it, so I'm just gonna assume no connection.

aeron 11 years, 6 months ago

I enjoyed these pics, they remind me of when I used to get lost in Austin just to get some air. Oh, and that's a sweet deck, now I feel like finding my skateboard and going for a ride.

firestormx 11 years, 6 months ago

I love going on walks like that.

pounce4evur 11 years, 6 months ago

Cool. I hope that you and your ex/best friend get over this little tiff, if you wanted to repair anything. Also, Denver looks like a really pretty place to be. I love going on walks like that too, but I wouldn't take pictures because El Paso's not a very pretty place.

Yay Earthworm Jim!

Praying Mantis 11 years, 6 months ago

That Earthworm Jim drawing is thoroughly impressive. Really good balance, and a nice pose. I particularly like the crack in the helmet and the motion effects.

Cpsgames 11 years, 6 months ago

I wish I could go on walks like that. I live in the middle of the country, so nothing really interesting at home that I haven't saw millions of times before. Between classes I don't have much to see either, because my city is tiiiiiiiiinyyyyy.