The Dark Knight Rises

Posted by F1ak3r on July 22, 2012, 3:20 p.m.

I just saw some preview footage of it. Preview footage that lasted three hours.

Probably too early to really discuss it without spoilering everything, but basically you should go see it when you can. It's not the "event" The Dark Knight was – there's no Heath Ledger this time, but it was still a great movie (I thought). It's rather a lot more like Batman Begins than The Dark Knight, really, in that it's more about Batman than the villains he fights.

Bane's no Joker, but he's not supposed to be. He's a different kind of villain, and I've gotta say I was surprised by his portrayal after playing Arkham Asylum – Christopher Nolan's Bane is more eloquent and intelligent than the drugged up brute he was in that game.

"Epic" is not a word I throw around very much, but it works when describing this movie. It's a shame that the series is over now, but I'm very much looking forward to seeing Chistopher Nolan's next film – watch Inception and Memento if you haven't already.

Oh, and apparently Warner Bros is starting on a reboot of the franchise. I won't deny that it makes business sense, but I don't know that it'll be something I want to see after this trilogy.

I also saw that new Spiderman movie this week because apparently this is cinema week for me (I will soon die of popcorn poisoning). Haven't seen the previous ones, but I enjoyed this one – the plot was nicely cohesive, the leads were likeable, and Spiderman has always been my least favourite superhero, but I liked this version. Just The Lizard kinda looked stupid, and there was a throwaway line at the end that seemed a tad pretentious.

Dark Knight: Rise


Cesque 12 years, 2 months ago

wat. He literally looks like a 'roidy luchadore in the comics. Joel Schumacher's Bane was more similar to the comic version, in terms of looks.

LOL, I didn't even know Bane was portrayed in the old batman films. And I actually watched (most) of them. Heh. Anyway, yes, Joel Schumacher did look horrible, but a "roidy luchadore" doesn't sound like a bad villain design. And here we have a guy who wears some sort of Chutlhu mask and generally looks like something out of Judge Dredd or Mad Max or any of the old Batman films.

I'm not using comparison to the comic version as a praise here, I'm using it as an insult. I've never liked superhero movies and even though I've managed to get myself somehow immunised to them over the years, every now and then I have a moment where I, say, look up "The Avengers" because of all the hype and think "WTF am I looking at?"

I liked Nolan's Batman films precisely because he managed to get them accessible to a wider audience by making them more serious and dealt away with the supernatural shit. But I simply have no interest in this one if all the trailer makes me think is "wtf does he dress up like this".

I'm an ass. Sorry. What's your excuse for not wanting to see [insert one of the hundreds of films you had probably seen the trailers for and thought they looked silly except they didn't have such a high budget and weren't associated with a widely popular franchise]?

Kamira 12 years, 2 months ago

Also, his voice in the movie is excellent IMO.
There were times where I just could not understand what he was saying.

But I simply have no interest in this one if all the trailer makes me think is "wtf does he dress up like this".
Same reason that people have metal plates in their head, etc.

JuurianChi 12 years, 2 months ago

What's your excuse for not wanting to see [insert one of the hundreds of films you had probably seen the trailers for and thought they looked silly except they didn't have such a high budget and weren't associated with a widely popular franchise]?
There should be no such excuse.

And everyone should at least look into The Criterion Collection at least once if they want to have a good time with a film. We're talking the best films of all time.