GamerHippo's Teeny Weeny Preview!

Posted by GamerHippo7 on April 8, 2008, 1:24 a.m.

Hey there everyone!

While I'm still working on my project: "Harpo's Amazing Adventure."

I'd still like to share some beta footage of the game so everyone can get a general idea.

The first video is a demonstration of interaction with a "Boss Character."

This footage was taken and uploaded to my Facebook Profile many months ago, so a lot has changed, but the general idea is still the same. Have a peek.


Mat 16 years ago

I have to log in.

Why don't people ever learn to USE A HOSTING SITE THAT DOESN'T PHAIL.

flashback 16 years ago

You used FACEBOOK for the video?



mazimadu 16 years ago

Oh no! you did my thing by making a boss with many sprites. Looks like i have to up my ante to make kyle beat you once and for all.