-This is the basic layout of the interface of Pierre's Cafe (when you select the fridge and making an omelet):

(graphics subject to change and I realize there are typos)
I've made a ton of progress with Pierre's Cafe. In less than three days, I've added an inventory, action box, timer, designed the main interface (shown above), and some other stuff.
I've also began the animation of Pierre's walking motion. I'm only half way done with his right leg, so it's gonna be a while before it's done. At first, I started animating the leg with GraphicsGale only to find out you have to buy the full version to save it as a GIF :/. The only other program I know that does animations is Game Maker, so until I find another program, I guess I'll have to stick with GM.
On Wednesday I'm going to San Fransisco to leave on a 10 day cruise to Alaska. I think it's going to be fun, I guess. I'm looking forward to the 24hr buffet :P
Comments, Critiques, Suggestions, Praise (of the picture) is appreiciated.
Cool, the game is looking great!
It's not something you see too often in Game Maker creations, a cooking theme.Keep it up!What he said.
Anyway, if you look at the part where the cabinets meet the fridge, the cabinets appear to be floating about 2 inches away from the wall.If you look carefully the cabinets are about 2 feet above the fridge (meaning there's a gap between them) but because of the view, it looks like they're stacked on top of each other. When I add shadows it'll look better
I dont egt it but what the hell. Its your game.
What? ^
That's infringement of my mascot's name Pierre. Unless you make Pierre's original face somewhere in the game as well as credit for me, I will have to fine you 5 cents
Making mistakes is a great way to learn