{Downieville #9} : The Town

Posted by Mush on Sept. 9, 2013, 3:46 p.m.

(click to enlarge)

Alright, back to work.


spike1 10 years, 10 months ago

Wow, those look amazing! I really enjoy how detailed your work is, it really stuns me :D. The town looks great, and I love how expansive it is. I'm interested to find out how the noose is used, especially with the mayor there looking all happy, might be some dark humor or something? :D. I really like the reflections, and I think that their painted on which is quite impressive, although there are several parts that look a little different :). Can't wait to see more of this :D

aeron 10 years, 10 months ago

Haberdashery hats got to be my favorite word of all time.

Gift of Death 10 years, 10 months ago

I guess this is what "pixel art done right" looks like. :3

Rez 10 years, 10 months ago

Town has a nice feel, you have an eye for architecture styles. Everything looks so pretty.

Also, asian guy might be too stereotypical.

JuurianChi 10 years, 10 months ago

Are those water reflections done in real time?


Oh, you're serious.

Cesque 10 years, 10 months ago

A-ha! A reference!

(and no, I have no idea what the show is, I came across it trying to determine whether Hopsing would be a realistic Chinese name for a 19th century Chinese immigrant… because you see, Mandarin doesn't allow syllables to end in -p, but Cantonese does, and most of early Chinese immigrants actually came from Cantonese-speaking Taishan, so it's okay)

Mush 10 years, 10 months ago

Also, asian guy might be too stereotypical.
If the game was set in a different time, I'd agree with you. I modeled the character after the owner of the Chinese restaurant where I live + the character that Cesque linked to above, and while he looks stereotypically "Oriental," I don't know how else to portray him. Is it his facial features or wardrobe?

Edit: didn't mean for that to sound so defensive :P I honestly want to know how I can improve it.

I love you and your linguistics, Cesque.

Also, I apologize for not being very active lately!

firestormx 10 years, 10 months ago

What a lazy Chinaman. If he closed his eyes, it would practically look like he's napping.

…I'm allowed to make squinty eyed asian jokes…I have a black friend.

But the art looks awesome. =D

Cesque 10 years, 10 months ago

BTW, are you going to add antialiasing to the text?

Rez 10 years, 10 months ago

@Mush: I'd say lose the hat or the fu manchu and give him at least one unique feature, like some glasses or an interesting hair do. God, do I sound like an overly concerned producer ruining art or what. Whatever the case, I support what you do.