…So, uh, what exactly was that about?
And by "that", naturally I'm referring to my unrivaled masterpiece titled Splendid Genesis Memorikan. The magnum opus to end all opi. There's more to it than meets the eye, so let's break this turd apart so we can flush it away.
The clue to what it's all about is in the title, though maybe not immediately apparent due to the first two words being meaningless fluff. The real meat is there in the last two words:
Memori (目盛) = Scale
Kan (間) = Across
Together the idea conveyed is "across the scales". Okay, so… what does that actually mean? Let's find out.

In the opening, you're just a dude alone in a room with a table that has a stopwatch atop it. Seemingly meaningless, but we'll be returning to this scene at the end of the game, and it's key to the idea of this game. For now we'll move on.

In the next room, there are two NPCs. These guys fill the player in on the game's "plot". Entities called "ryeMoths" have invaded, and you're tasked with defeating their mothership. The mothership being called "otherShip" isn't particularly meaningful, but what about ryeMoths? Well, ryemoth is an anagram of M-Theory, which loosely ties into the idea of the game.

And they are, in fact, strings. Not peanuts having seizures.

The middle portion of the game tries to escalate the sense of scale. The space ship is huge relative to the player character, but it seems much more insignificant once you're piloting it. You join up with a fleet of other ships and combine to form "Supercluster Galaxy Robo", which sounds like it should be huge and epic, but….

It's barely a few pixels. And that's apparently at over 9000% scale. And the otherShip? Well it's not even fully on-screen, yet it takes up the entire right side of the screen. And that's apparently at a scale of 0.000001% its actual size. Or in other words, the otherShip is unfathomably larger than the Supercluster Galaxy Robo. Over 9 million times larger… and even then, this isn't as large as it ought to be, given the final revelation. Speaking of which…

After you defeat the otherShip, you return to the room from the start of the game. Only this time, the table has shifted all the way over to the wall on the right. Furthermore, the stopwatch is broken. What caused all this?
Well, it's a bit of a leap given the information that the game provides, but… the implication was intended to be that the stopwatch was the otherShip. The core idea of Memorikan was scale as a dimension, and that as you zoom out to the largest of scales you eventually loop back in on the smallest of scales.
Not particularly well executed, but that's what procrastination does to a project.
It seems this site isn't fond of long post.
I like your long post.