warmup to the warmup to the competition

Posted by Toast on April 16, 2012, 7:51 a.m.

So I said I'd enter Ludum Dare, which I'm already regretting for several reasons. Firstly, I'm slow. I'm really slow at pretty much everything because I daydream alot, get bored and have to do something different to what I was previously doing every five minutes. I can't do anything productive at all unless I'm also listening to music or watching tv simultaneously. I'm also a perfectionist. Having no attention span or motivation with things and also being a perfectionist means you essentially get absolutely nothing done at all. At all.

The second reason I regret entering Ludum Dare is because by hosting all of these competitions, I'm feeling as if I'm almost starting to "hype" myself, something which will end up being extremely, extremely underwhelming for pretty much everyone involved. Combined with the intimidation of Mega entering Ludum Dare too and working with Rez - who happens to also be one of my favourite game artists - on an RPG4D entry, I think I have reason to feel this way. The reason my game competition output is so comparatively high to my game output is because I enjoy organizing things, I enjoy putting ideas into motion, I enjoy games, I enjoy observing games being made and I enjoy this community. If I were to ever start a career in video games, I would definitely be involved in the more managerial roles… or at least, the supporting roles. Directing, designing, marketing, that sort of thing. I think I know what works in a game and how to get people to play it, better than I can actually personally make a game that people want to play. But I guess that's the same with everyone. Everyone's a critic.

Thirdly is that I'm seriously behind on alot of university stuff and this is another setback. I do feasibly have time to do all the stuff I want to do over the next month - game making, university and playing gigs - but I won't have time to do anything else, and also I'll be stressing the entire time. When I stress, there is a significantly increasing chance that I'll just go into "fuck it" mode and do absolutely nothing at all but play Playstation and drink beer. I'm pretty sure everyone can relate to that, too. But this time around I'm pretty determined to avoid that. Although incidentally the reason I'm writing this blog is probably as a justification for not writing the 1000-word essay on Ken Thompson that I'm actually supposed to be writing.

I mean, what some of you might not know is that I'm actually doing Computer Science (I'm in my first year). So that means that at least I'm supposed to be good at programming. I'm currently learning Java as part of my course, but I'm pretty behind on that. We're also doing electronics and shit, which I really do not care about at all, so I'm behind in that too. The only thing I'm caught up on is the mathematics side of it, but only because it comes kind of naturally. I was originally going to do four years, but now I'm definitely only doing three. I'm not going to drop out - I'm from one of those middle-income, working families, so I was brought up to be terrified at the idea of wasting thousands of pounds like that. But I can't say I'm enjoying it right now and really just want to get it over with and pass.

All of that said, I will enter Ludum Dare, and I will finish this game that I've been doing since Saturday as a practice.

Anyway here's a screen of what I've been doing over the last couple of days for 3 hours a day, the time I spend on Ludum Dare will be more concentrated. It's a schmup/minecraft hybrid of sorts. Mainly minecraft, because I hate schmups (I suck at them) and barely ever play them; maybe space invaders counts. You customize your ship with parts that you craft. You get resources by playing levels of a side-scroller. There is no health or lives, if a part of the ship is hit, it is destroyed. You could say I'm just ripping off 0x10c… but to be honest, that game is such an obvious continuation of minecraft that if Notch's next game had been anything other than minecraft-in-space, the fanboys would have hung themselves.

Overworld with 3d effect that consists entirely of one sine function (star distance from center) and one cosine function (size of star) because of time constraints. It makes a 2d map look like a sphere you're travelling across. This looks better in motion for obvious reasons. It's just a bunch of circles when you look at a picture.

Hey look everyone, I made a long blog. I'm one of the adults now.


flashback 12 years, 6 months ago

I think they are taking issue with your demeanor rather than your particular statements.

Lorik 12 years, 6 months ago

Nah, you're not criticizing. You're just talking down to people. Try being a little less condescending and people might think you have something better than an attempt at trolling them.

TehHoosier 12 years, 6 months ago

FamousJellyfish is 12 and shouldn't be allowed on the internet until he can lean to not talk to people the way his mother talks to her sex slave.

FamousJellyfish 12 years, 6 months ago

"I think they are taking issue with your demeanor rather than your particular statements."

So they mean to imply that they wish to be cosseted. Very well.

"Nah, you're not criticizing. You're just talking down to people. Try being a little less condescending and people might think you have something better than an attempt at trolling them."

You've clearly misinterpreted my statements. That's not my fault, and I won't be less assertive in my diction just because some people find it to be inappropriate. Until this becomes a real issue, I'm fine the way I am, thanks.

"FamousJellyfish is 12 and shouldn't be allowed on the internet until he can lean to not talk to people the way his mother talks to her sex slave."

This is a pretty good example of condescending trolling. Someone should take note.

flashback 12 years, 6 months ago

"Well It's not my fault that me acting like an asshole offends people!"

You're going to be fun.

Lorik 12 years, 6 months ago

…or you can continue being a self-important jackass and then expressing surprise at being labeled a troll. Whatever works for ya, pal.

FamousJellyfish 12 years, 6 months ago

"You're going to be fun."

Thanks! I try to be a pretty funny guy. ^^;

JuurianChi 12 years, 6 months ago



LOL, okay…

the fanboys would have hung themselves.
That would be a sight to see.

Castypher 12 years, 6 months ago

I like this guy. He has no clue. So to enlighten you a bit, my comment was targeted at this piece here:

I can't even discern what this is supposed to mean
Because you're either a troll or an idiot. And right now I'm leaning toward complete moron. I'm not talking about your actions, just your inability to recognize some simple things. Like this:

"You're going to be fun."

Thanks! I try to be a pretty funny guy. ^^;
And as for the rest, well…. You're not worth the time. All I can say though is that I hope you have some insane ideas for this RPG comp. I wonder what could be the source behind such bubbling pride.

You really are going to be fun. No sarcasm intended.

FamousJellyfish 12 years, 6 months ago

"Because you're either a troll or an idiot. I'm not talking about your actions, just your inability to recognize some simple things."

Yeah, because I seriously didn't understand the intent behind Flashback's post, right? *shakes head*