I Hate Being a Programmer

Posted by blackhole on May 4, 2010, 4:58 p.m.


Ok, so I just posted a rant about .net because it pissed me off and everyone decided they were going to dissect it like I had just written a PhD dissertation. While I find this rather annoying, I find it even more annoying that 2 people decided they were going to try and tell me how stupid I was being.

This is why I hate being a programmer. The only people in the world who I can socialize with are other programmers, and the only thing other programmers do is tell me that everything I do is wrong. If I'm using C# to build a graphics engine, its wrong because its so slow. If I'm using C++, its wrong because its too hard to use. If I'm using python as a scripting language, its wrong because LUA is faster. If I'm using LUA, its wrong because python has more support. This gets even more hilarious because different "Standards" have conflicting ways of doing things.

Furthermore, unless I'm working for Microsoft, everything I do is stupid, pointless, and worthless. Unless I'm working on a large project with thousands of people on it where my code will almost certainly get overlooked, everything I do is simply hobby coding and will never be useful in any way, shape or form.

The first time I was told that I was a useless sack of shit was when I was 14 years old. It made sense back then because I didn't know how to do anything. I was another useless sack of shit when I was 15, and then when I was 16, and then I just started hiding. Apparently it still hasn't changed, and according to .net developers, a C++ programmer like me is still a useless sack of shit.

The normal thing to say here is "I will prove you ALL WRONG!" However, in my experience, this just pisses everyone off and makes them hate you even more. It doesn't matter if you are right or wrong, the only thing that matters is that you are different and therefore evil. Such behavior is not logical and cannot be resolved, so I won't even try.

All the programmers insist that the other programmers are clearly wrong and have absolutely no idea what they're talking about. All the programmers go on about how they went to college to learn how to program and that their way is the "right" way. I find it rather amusing that they seem so confidant in opinions that are just as sturdy as glass. They seem perfect logical in the context they are used in, but when put into almost any other situation they shatter into a million pieces. This applies to any programming argument. Don't like functional programming languages? You don't have a choice if your writing a driver. Don't like C++? Try writing airplane controls in C#.

What's even more amusing is that the social constructs of normal socialization has begun to creep into programming. If your program doesn't follow whats "cool" and "trendy" for any given clique of programmers (say, Python developers) then you are a Bad Programmer. This, of course, makes absolutely no sense because there is a time and place for everything. Half the problems with programs today are closed minded programmers taking their entire philosophy and trying to apply to the wrong situation. Its like when those guys over at Microsoft tried to make an operating system with managed code.

It failed. Miserably. Why? Wrong philosophy in the wrong place. You can't make yourself a better programmer by saying how horrible everyone else is at writing code. Different situations call for different things. You cannot solve every programming problem in the world by throwing more managed code at it. All I have ever seen is programmers yelling about how everyone else is doing everything wrong. It has gotten so absurd people find it amusing just to post "I HATE .NET" in a programmer place and see how many flamewars explode as a result.

I hate the .Net framework. I say this not because i want to start a flamewar, but because it has pissed me the fuck off many, many times. I also hate windows, and mac, and linux, and firefox, and chrome, and IE, and the C++ standard library's retarded implementation of data structures, and D's total lack of IDE support, and Java's pathetic speed, and Flash's woefully incompetent vector rendering engine, and PHP's inability to handle soft-types sensibly, and the fact that you can't do a switch statement on strings in C++, and how this website doesn't have a list of BB codes or emoticons when your writing a journal.

The point being that everything sucks in its own special way, so please stop being flametards about something that is utterly meaningless.


GearGOD 14 years ago

No one gives a flying flaming fuck about what you like and don't like. Rant all you want.

People aren't giving you an as-whopping for your opinion. They're giving you an as-whopping because you try to pass off your fart of an opinion as if you actually know what you're talking about, as if your words carry some authority.

Yeah, then you'll have people like me coming from around every corner to punch you in the face for spreading bullshit around to make more people like you who are 100% opinion and 0% knowledge of wtf they're talking about.

blackhole 14 years ago

Are you a troll or just blind?

sirxemic 14 years ago

As an open-minded programmer, I am enjoying whatever it is that is going on =P

list of BB codes or emoticons when your writing a journal.

click that, and note that some bbcodes are broken.

blackhole 14 years ago

I was just pointing out that it'd be really handy if there was a BBCode cheat sheet under the journal or something.

blackhole 14 years ago

After all, he is a software engineer.

…So am I?

sirxemic 14 years ago

I was just pointing out that it'd be really handy if there was a BBCode cheat sheet under the journal or something.
There are more features which could be really handy, but I believe no one is going to add any features any more. A few years ago they promised us 64Digits V3, which is now considered inside-jokingly as a myth =P

…So am I?
Cool. What degree and for how long are you studying software engineering?

I am studying Computer Engineering & Science, BTW.

Oh and BTW2, why am I not seeing you on IRC anymore?

blackhole 14 years ago

I figured as much.

Computer Science degree once they let me into the stupid major. I'm mostly focusing on Math though, because it's one of my major weaknesses, so I consider my math classes far more important than programming classes that can't teach me anything useful. In terms of "study" its mostly one year of high school since I tested out of all the first year programming classes and I can't take the higher levels ones until they let me into the major as a sophomore. I've been programming since I was 14.

I popped on IRC a bit last night but you weren't there. Otherwise I tend to focus on being productive.

Scott_AW 14 years ago

This is why I prefer to be a game designer first and a programmer second. There's a lot of ego-smarts competition about it which is more lame then cool.

blackhole 14 years ago

too bad I suck at designing games :D

Acid 14 years ago

So, yeah… stop whining. :)