They see me bloggin'

Posted by blueBX on Sept. 4, 2010, 3:11 a.m.

They hatin'….

Anywho, like many 64D members, i'm going to college :D To be more specific, i'm off to UC Riverside to study computer science. Yeah, pretty much the same major everyone is taking. I also bought a new/cheap laptop for school. It's the Toshiba Satellite L645D-S4036 and i'm liking it so far.

I still have a few weeks before I start school so, in order to do something productive, I entered a GM competition over at GMG. The competition ends right before I go to school which is somewhat perfect. I picked trash-based, side-scrolling, survival game. Screenshot:

Fun little project.

I also need some help. I'm still working on Seven (also known as this):

I feel kinda stuck gameplay wise. So far it's just a generic platformer. I really can't think of any gameplay ideas. Can you guys help me come up with some interesting…..stuff? I've come up with some awesome boss ideas but other than that bleh. The story: Your grandpa gets kidnapped, you go after him, you find him, turns out he's a fake and you were just an experiment (the 7th one, like the matrix plus one), they try to destroy you, you win (or lose?). Not really a writer :/ Here's a demo of the game (not really just you jumping and stuff, has some bugs):

Arrows: Move/jump

V: shoot bullet 2

C: shoot bullet 1

X: some bomb experiment

Z: suicide


Juju 13 years, 8 months ago

I think the "fun little project" has better graphics than Seven.

Quietus 13 years, 8 months ago

haha your blog title is the first thing to have made me laugh all day.

your graphics look sick. good simple graphics always make me want to try and draw my own but i suck lol. :(

blueBX 13 years, 8 months ago

@Kilin: Okay, but I might just add four directions for now. Ohh, you mean something like LoZ where every new weapon you get in a temple is used on the new boss and temple right?

@Xemic: yeah, I was trying to change the top navbar but couldn't D:

@thernz: More weight, got it. The animation is pretty stiff but i'll give the character (plus the enemies) some hand/head movement. I forgot to mention that the bomb was more of a last minute thing but, once it's done, it will bounce towards one direction. Thanks for the that last line too :D

@Ferret: Yup, even though I promised to blog like weeks ago haha. YOU SHARE YOUR IDEAS NOW! >:D

@DesertFox: Yeah, i'm the other way around (though some days I just can't get my graphics the way I want them :/) That's why I went into computer science. I actually want to concentrate more on programming than drawing in the future :P

@Obel: I really don't know how to escape the whole "cavestory look" :/

@Juju: Yeah, I do too. It's just 16x16 sprites blown up.

@hel: Just keep trying and eventually you'll get better. I still get stuck some days though but I keep editing until I think it's good.

thernz 13 years, 8 months ago

it looks like a mixture of legend of princess and cave story. you could probably fix the cave story problem by changing the poses with the gun.

Castypher 13 years, 8 months ago

Ohh, you mean something like LoZ where every new weapon you get in a temple is used on the new boss and temple right?
Not necessarily. I mean kind of like Spyro. Certain enemies have bullet-proof vests and must be lasered to death. Others might have a mirror on their front so you have to shoot them. Some might be in a giant case of armor in which case you nuke the hell out of them.

Rez 13 years, 8 months ago

Hey obel, we're finally being mistaken for the same person.

blueBX 13 years, 8 months ago

potfrog you guys :P

EDIT: pot-frog

sirxemic 13 years, 8 months ago

My Potƒrog filter seems to be pretty effective.

Juju 13 years, 8 months ago

Please remove that filter. Potƒrog is a legitimate joke.

sirxemic 13 years, 8 months ago