
Posted by charlo on May 31, 2005, 11 p.m.

As you might know, I was going to do a GM game for my Social Studies final project. Since we didn't get back our computer in time (we still haven't), I decided to write a research paper on the Fall of the USSR. The paper was okay I guess, but I didn't follow all of the guidelines and I'll probably get a B- on it. Oh well.

I also have finals soon. I'm not worried like many other people I see. I guess that's because I'm so much more 1337 than they are. w00t w00t w00t. The only thing I'm slightly worried about is Biology, mostly because there's a ton of stuff to memorize.

In less than a week I'll be out though. Thank god.

*Edit* Got a C+. I got 0/10 points on project preparation. I think I deserved 5 at least. Grrr. Could have had a B-.

