More Darkness Rising updates

Posted by kegames on June 11, 2007, 3:02 p.m.

More's been done about Darkness Rising, what i've done now is:

Finished menu

Added a "pickup" time (time until helicopter arrives)

>TRYING< to add more weapons, but i have to sprite them, then make a larger more detailed sprite (to go in the menu) then i have to code the weapon's stats (damage, durability, ammo (if ranged weapon), etc. etc.)

I've been a VERY busy person, but i'll try to update this more often so people can enjoy it.

P.S. I'll send the demo, but please, only choose survival.

P.P.S. If you do get grabbed by a zombie, HOLD space bar and mash left - right - left - right and so on until you're free.

Heres a few things:

When you start survival mode, it will automatically select a difficulty, difficulties change:

Amount of spawns

How fast the spawns…er… spawn!

how much time you get to prepare :D

Good luck!
