Was thinking of getting back into GM...

Posted by melee-master on July 24, 2012, 7:44 a.m.

…by making a game for my girlfriend. Good idea? She's a gamer and I'm fairly certain she'd love it if I made something for her.

I feel like I should write more but I haven't slept yet and am close to falling asleep.


Acid 12 years ago

Melee, u so crazy

JuurianChi 12 years ago


Why not?

LAR Games 12 years ago

You'd rightfully assume that about women, wouldn't you?

LAR Games 12 years ago

I think he's assuming she'll like the game because she's a gamer. Not a woman.

At least, that's what I think.

LAR Games 12 years ago

I think if someone puts a lot of love and effort into making something related to a thing a person is into, they'll love the gift.

An example:

Say I had a girlfriend that saw I liked… Um something random… like.. oragami or… Ponies! Then say she made something like either a pony plush or a painting of my favorite pony, and gave it to me.

I would love the heck out that gift.

flashback 12 years ago

So you're just venting your bitterness at someone else?

flashback 12 years ago

And presenting it as absolute truth.

Glen 12 years ago

As long as you like what you made, you can't lose. Impressing a girlfriend is just a bonus.

flashback 12 years ago

You'd rightfully assume that about women, wouldn't you?
Months of work later, "Oh, how cute, you made a game, whatever."

JuurianChi 12 years ago

This thread was/is nutters.

Be sure to share the game so we can play.
