rpg stuff

Posted by noshenim on June 9, 2006, 8:17 p.m.

On Tyranic-Moron's page I found a very good online fps <a href="http://www.rasterwerks.com/game/phosphor/beta1.asp">HERE</a>. I would recommend turning fullscreen on, and NOT pressing F11 during fullscreen play =X!!

(I am posting it here because it was very good)

I have a few requests for the rpg: add way more enemies in adventure mode. make the medium level adventure mode top value to 30, not like 15, because at level 15 there is only a few ways to kill even a vampire.

also, a tip is to kill the great players on the rpg is: attack, die, heal, attack, die, heal, ect.

or get a good weapon >_>.



marbs 17 years, 11 months ago

thats what I do, die loads of times just to kill one uber-powerful person to get loads of exp and digits!

Oh, and ignore the PM you just got…

noshenim 17 years, 11 months ago

"Oh, and ignore the PM you just got… "

ok, I put it in trash

Aura_of_End 17 years, 11 months ago

Yes, put the music back on the page…