It really warps the mind

Posted by s on Dec. 5, 2008, 11:26 p.m.

Coding between Python and ASM so frequently

Today I had a thousand conversations yet barely did I utter

Also, Befunge compiler idea that sucks. Have a large set of labels which jump between each other based on direction of flow. Keep an array of characters for g. Each cell would …

Some assembly required

Posted by s on Dec. 4, 2008, 11:05 p.m.

.asm Outputted source Set of macros implemented in FASM Early interpreter version The magic box

You'll need Python and FASM. Outputted assembly doesn't actually have any IO setup yet, so you'll have to integrate it with such a thing if you want to have the result …

Solution found

Posted by s on Dec. 4, 2008, 7:07 p.m.

If it doesn't fit, don't force it

That is a cheap way of saying "I'm too lazy to deal with it now"

Still need to figure shortcircuits

Got break working. Instead of extending the macro system, I extended the code parsing

goto:BREAK@f will transform into the next case of asm …

For less than 2$

Posted by s on Dec. 3, 2008, 3:38 p.m.

Almost 800 pages focused on primarily King's pawn and Queen's pawn opening

With a few extensions to Postal's macro system[1], I have been able to implement if. While loops seem to be in sight, I'm unsure of that oddity we know as switch

[1]Block structures which pass the …

So I failed Sexprs, for now

Posted by s on Dec. 1, 2008, 11:02 p.m.

Implemented a Forthish interpreter. Developing it alongside Forthish assembler. Thus I can test things right away and then try to work out the ASM kinks. Also making some stack macros, here's one that swaps the top two items of the stack

pop eax

push long[esp],eax

Of course that assumes that …

Damn coffee mug handles

Posted by s on Dec. 1, 2008, 3 p.m.

So before the physics test I jabbed my finger and blew myself a ring of blood

I didn't finish with the speed I usually finish with, but I did finish all but the last question with confidence. Last question was on the topic of weights on pulleys and I was …

Perfect Recall

Posted by s on Nov. 29, 2008, 11:31 a.m.

If you were to remember every experience you've ever experienced as you experience them now and every thought you've ever thought as you think them now then you would be driven completely insane

And that is the basis of my next story

Also, I've diagnosed the missing PY. The blue …

What happens to the sanity of a person when they must question their sanity?

Posted by s on Nov. 28, 2008, 2:51 p.m.

So, English Opening

I had a chess game going in French but circumstances caused the board to be toppled and the game was ruined. Had another interesting game though during lunch that had black win with a nice struggle. White had Black in a rut midgame but Black was able …

After accepting that I was confused by forces, it all started making sense

Posted by s on Nov. 27, 2008, 3:27 p.m.

I saw a most beautiful face. I can't remember it though. It was the kind that you see and it is there to be appreciated and then you look away and the image is gone

Now have a permutator

def permutate(x):

. if len(x)<2:return [x]

. r=[]

. for …