couple of articles written about it. It's strange, getting any kind of recognition, especially over a game I made in about two days. If people like that game, Credence Filter will blow their minds.Actually probably not, it'll probably end up seeming stale and repetitive to anyone who isn't me, because I'm making it for me.Anyways, here's the evolution of Tohm Shlcszark.
Here's the remastered Extraspiritual Transalienation album. It's now listen-to-able with regular speakers, as in its not just convoluted basslines, as in I equalized everything to be audible, as in listen to it if you want.Also here's two specific new songs that I don't believe I've shoved into your face yet.Apophenia.Junction.That's all I can think of for now.
Not much has happened since my last blog, I've been doing school work and being bored for the most part.I haven't posted a blog in a while about Credence Filter because I decided to redo the graphics, because I didn't like the old ones. I decided, while I'm at it, I should remaster Extraspiritual Transalienation.Basically, I've been working tediously to get to the point where I already was two months ago. It's great.In other news, I made a game in a weekend about hunting werewolves, it's on here, but it seems to have gotten a better reception on Gamejolt, where it's surpassed my previous games in popularity and rating. Also, there have been a 
Love your sprite style.
For some reason, all of these remind me of Isaac Clark, just without the RIG haha.Thanks! :D
Huh, it's because they are both hunched over and standing in a kinda-sideways pose, I just noticed this similarity.This guy was even worse;It had that brilliant, hard to explain "claustrophobic urban fantasy" feel to it, from flickering lights, to crawling through the tunnels, to the creepy and realistic way the cyberdog's body was moving while it was sleeping. And the lantern. And the item-throwing. And the graphics looking like something in between pixels and matte paintings.
But yeah, I forgot you went and changed it to this uninspired top-down action adventure instead.I hate you, etc, etc.I'm actually still torn between the two, I feel like the former would be less appealing to people but maybe I should go back to it.
Send me demos of both, and I'll decide for you! :)
There's not much of either, but alright.