Unfortunately, none of it's goat-related. :c
I feel scattered, I guess I always do. I get the feeling that I'm in a position where I have to pick and choose what to do; like I don't have time for school, friends, video games
and video game design, so I need to choose a couple. I'm decently sure that this isn't true, but I tend to spend my free time doing fuck-all, and wondering where the time went.
Maybe I need the fuck-all time, though, like that's how my brain cools down or something. I need to get EVGA Precision for my brain.
Anyways, some stuff I made while not doing fuck-all is the actual purpose of this little updatey, activity-feed-exclusive, ramblog.
I made
these tracks as an attempt to make an uneasy mood, because I was considering spending some spare time during my Credence Filter hiatus making an explorey platformy game
It could involve this person.

However, the fact that I'm mentioning it in a blog is probably a decent indication that it will never be finished, that seems to be the deciding factor. If I want to get something done I seem to have to never talk about it. Or maybe I'm just impatient.
Regardless, I'm heavily neurotic.
My friend once informed me that "they" discovered neurosis isn't true.
"They" disproved it.
Anyways, I seem to do my best sprite work when it isn't for me, which is weird. Maybe because when I do sprite work for my own projects I try to be more experimental. This blog has a lot of uncertainty.
Hopefully Taizen doesn't rage at me for posting this (he shouldn't because these aren't directly relevant to the story), but I was tasked at replicating these floaty nakedy blokes for Chaos Weapon.

You may have seen them in a video, they're from Dungeon Quest Man.
I really enjoyed redesigning these because they are so open for interpretation but they have a clear concept behind them, which is 'big floaty spirity people'.
Anyways, this is what I made of it.

Gods, this blog is getting much longer than I was anticipating, perhaps I'll make it front-paged as well.
One last thing before I go though, I was wondering if anyone had some music suggestions for me, I was looking for something similar to God is an Astronaut, or The Flashbulb; atmospheric but also melodic instrumental music. I'll give a listen to whatever you guys suggest.
Adding 'y's to the ends of words instantly makes them adjectives.
I'll dip into my massive Media Monkey/iTunes music library and find some suggestions for you.
I constantly find myself wanting to detach from the world and stare off into space thinking about heaven knows what."fuck-all" time is a must for my sanity.Neat looking sprites you got there. The (lower) woman's left boob looks a little off to me though. (I'm being serious).
My eyes are causing her left boob to look like her upper arm.Awesome, awesome sprites there. Really, those are some of your best.
music suggestions:http://youtu.be/AvEm3a20Yc4http://youtu.be/NF6PPz8LunYhttp://youtu.be/mUT3KoxVzQgWell the second's supposed to have wavy-ass hair.
Not to be confused with wavy ass-hair.I imagine they will be animated traditionally, and not with lazy shortcuts.>Gorillaz
lol Why do you think I don't already listen to Gorillaz? I think my favorite song by them is probably Man Research.>Some weird anime trackThis isn't really what I was looking for.>ISISHoly crap, this is exactly what I was looking for, very similar to GIAA. Thanks.>MGMTNah, thanks.>Aphex TwinWhat is this beautiful nonsense? D:This and Xeno Clash, Rez, you really should just tell me about everything you've ever even heard of.Time management, everyone sucks at it but no one more than me.
Those spirit people are terrific. Having massive blank eyes makes sense in this context!http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9LL1ihC7xqYhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yomowCF5icY