Here's some Webcomics (Cocopuffs)

Posted by Cocopuffs on May 8, 2007, 9:45 p.m.

So yeah, I made a couple webcomics, for to looking at.

Warning: Language EDIT: changed the comics, no longer that bad.

And can someone please remove those freaking game badges. I never even played Columns X. It just annoys me.

So here are the first 2 comics I made. Just messing around, I didn't take em very seriously.

This is the first one I made, the art style is pretty awkward, and the text doesn't match at all. But I was experimenting around, so it's expected to be awkward.

EDIT: changed the style to match the others.

And heres the second, A lot closer to what the main style of my comics will probably look like, still, somewhat experimental.

I'm hoping to eventually get it to the literal laugh out loud stage. And if I ever buy myself a tablet, I can really do a good job on the art. Drawing with a mouse when your left handed sucks.

If you like em, I'll keep updating 64D with every few I make, otherwise I'll just start a free site or something.

See ya,



Ferret 17 years ago

anyways, ya i like the first one better, it's funny.

Cocopuffs 17 years ago

Yeah I really didn't like the art in the first one, I'm still messing around with some styles, but it will probably stay close to the second.

And yeah, I meant what. I have mild dyslexia…

mitchbbaker 17 years ago

heh? i'm left handed and i find it easier to draw with the mouse in my right hand. mainly because i never bothered to set it up "lefty" and got used to using my right hand for the mouse, i actually use the mouse WORSE with my left hand. but then again i can't draw with either hand on paper(but i am a perfectionst it has to be near perfect or i won't finish it so my drawing might be ok).

stampede 16 years, 12 months ago

Haha, nice ;)

Jaxx 16 years, 12 months ago

lol funny

JID 16 years, 10 months ago

Lol nice comics!

panzercretin 16 years, 9 months ago

More! More! More!

stampede 16 years, 4 months ago

Hahahaha, I laughed at those again :D