Deathball 2D Talent Guide

Posted by Cronotek on Jan. 10, 2007, 10:49 a.m.

Hey 64Digit users! I'm new to this site, and I've gotten used to most of the features, except how to submit an update to my game >_<, so I was wondering if anyone could tell me how (for when the next version is ready).

Anyhow, I'm really happy that most of you are enjoying Deathball 2D! I know there are some issues with some parts of the game, and I'm looking to make changes based on your feedback. One part of the game that I've been putting a ton of effort into is the Talent Tree. I feel this is a very important part of the game because it gives the player tons of customization options, and it offers more variety. The downside to the talent tree is that it is very difficult to balance, and give each play style an equal amount of power. Because of this, I am always open to talent suggestions.

The purpose of this blog entry is to provide an in-depth talent guide so that everyone can understand the talents (and their purpose) better. So for those who are interested, here is the talent guide for Deathball 2D Beta v1.3:

Nuclear Generators

Ranks: 5

Description: Increases your shot power by 1%/2%/3%/4%/5%.

This is one of the first 2 talents that you can place points in. Putting points here will increase the speed of your charged-up shots. More speed means less chance for the enemy goalkeeper to stop your shot. I recommend maxing this talent if you are going for a shot-based build.

Phase Filters

Ranks: 5

Description: Increases your volley power by 1%/2%/3%/4%/5%.

This is the other one of the first 2 talents that you can place points in. Putting points here will increase the speed of your instant volleys (hitting the ball from close range with your gun). More speed means less chance for the enemy goalkeeper to stop your volley. Max this if you are going towards a volley-based build.


Ranks: 2

Description: Increases your volley power by 3%/6%, but reduces your volley accuracy by 6/12 degrees.

This talent requires 5 points in Phase Filters (you can easily know this by looking at the arrow). The volley power bonus is huge, and doesn't cost a lot of points. However, the loss of accuracy can end up costing you goals if you try to get too fancy. The talent "Volley Mastery" will completely negate the negative effect of this talent, so this is a must-have if you are getting Volley Mastery.

Amplified Volley Field

Ranks: 3

Description: Increases your volley gun radius by 5%/10%/15%.

Your volley gun is an essential tool for tackling and volleying the ball, and this talent makes it that much more effective. The extra range gives more room for error and if used correctly, you can win tackle-fights much more often. Place points in this talent if you feel that you are missing volleys too often.


Ranks: 3

Description: Whenever you are tackled, your enemy takes 12/24/36 damage.

This is a tricky talent. While not always useful, this can cause lots of grief to human opponents. Note that this talent deals the damage even if you are tackled without the ball, which makes winning gun fights easier. This talent probably isn't worth it against the A.I., but it will be a great counter to some talent builds that your online opponent can use.

Unstable Energy

Ranks: 3

Description: Increases your shot and volley power by 2%/4%/6% while you are below 70 health.

Unstable Energy is an interesting talent, as it does absolutely nothing if you are above 70 health. However, if your opponent damages you and doesn't fully kill you, you gain a very large boost to both your shot and volley power. It is up to you whether this kind of talent fits your style of play.


Ranks: 5

Description: Increases your shot charge rate by 10%/20%/30%/40%/50%.

This is the defining talent of a shot-based build. Putting points in Supercharge will let you reach the end of your charge bar in less time, which means less time that you are exposing yourself to a tackle (which will ruin your shot). Max this talent if you are going for a shot build.

Gravity Stabilizers

Ranks: 5

Description: Reduces the distance you can be pushed by 4%/8%/12%/16%/20%.

Putting points in this talent will make you more resistant to knockback effects, which can greatly help you gain position over your enemy in order to get a well-placed volley off. This talent is more geared for volley-based builds, since you do not get knocked back while holding the ball anyways.


Ranks: 2

Description: Causes your Unstable Energy ability to activate while you are below 85/100 health.

Catalyst is unique, in that its purpose is to improve another talent. Essentially, this talent will increase the duration of the Unstable Energy ability. Try to fit 2 points into here if you like the Unstable Energy talent.

Superior Actuators

Ranks: 3

Description: Reduces the movement speed penalty from holding the ball by 20%/40%/60%.

This is an amazing talent. While holding the ball, you are normally slowed down substantially. But with this talent, you will be able to move much more freely and create great scoring chances. Take this talent if you like avoiding hits rather than tanking them.

Liquid Coolant

Ranks: 5

Description: Reduces the cooldown of the volley gun by 5%/10%/15%/20%/25%.

Liquid Coolant allows you to use your volley gun much more often. This means: quicker tackles, and more volley control. This is essential for a volley based build, and is also a requirement for the amazing "Volley Mastery" talent.

Titanium Plating

Ranks: 3

Description: Reduces the damage you take from tackles by 10/20/30.

Regular tackles hit for 90 damage, but this talent can reduce it down to 60. While this alone isn't much, you can couple it with Endurance to allow you to take 2 hits in a row and still live. Take this talent if you like tanking hits rather than avoiding them. This talent is also a requirement for "Bloodrage".


Ranks: 2

Description: Increases your maximum health by 5/10, and your health regeneration rate by 15%/30%.

Alone, this talent doesn't do too much other than reduce your downtime. However, coupled with Titanium Plating, this talent can give you the ability to take 2 consecutive hits without dying. Bloodrage builds can choose between this or Superior Actuators, depending if the player likes tanking or avoiding.

Volley Mastery

Ranks: 1 (ULTIMATE)

Description: Enables you to deflect the ball while holding the right mouse button. In addition, your volleys will now have 100% accuracy at all times.

I highly consider this to be the best talent in the entire tree. Not only does it negate the accuracy loss effect of the "Overpower" talent, but it gives you and entirely new and unique tool to handle the ball with. While holding the right mouse button, you can alter the direction of a non-stationary ball. Not only does this give you more time to pull off a volley, it also allows you to pull off some slick moves when dribbling the ball off the wall. With mastery of this talent, you can become an incredibly powerful player.


Ranks: 1 (ULTIMATE)

Description: After taking damage from a tackle, you become enraged for 6 seconds. While enraged, your shot and volley power is increased by 8%. The enrage effect ends if you are killed.

At first glance, you may notice thas this is very similar to the Unstable Energy talent. The differences are that this gives you 8% power for 1 point, while Unstable Energy gives you 6% for 3 points. Also, this effect lasts longer than Unstable Energy, even with 2 points into Catalyst. While this might not seem like a lot for an ultimate talent, if you stack both the Unstable Energy and Bloodrage effects, you can end up with so much power that you can score from the other side of the map! Be very careful when facing an opponent with the Bloodrage talent.

Recoil Dampener

Ranks: 1 (ULTIMATE)

Description: Your shots will no longer overpower when overcharged. In addition, your shots will now have 100% accuracy at all times.

This is an excellent talent for players who find it difficult to release their shot before it reaches the end of the bar (which would cause an overpowered shot, with less speed and accuracy). It can become especially hard to release your shot before the end if you take the Supercharge talent, so Recoil Dampener can be very useful for shot based builds. It also gives you perfect shot accuracy to boot.

Closing Comments:

I hope this talent guide helps you choose the right talents for your play style! If you have any questions, feel free to PM me and I will get back to you as soon as possible.

- Cronotek


Graydon 17 years, 3 months ago

Thanks for all the info.

Relex 17 years, 3 months ago

wow you've put allot of effort into it…

drhowell440 17 years, 3 months ago

This game kkcks ass…

It is too hard though.

The menu is bad ass…

the grafix for he players suck though.

Cronotek 17 years, 3 months ago

The game is definitely hard if you don't place your talent points. :p

drhowell440 17 years, 3 months ago

Yeah i placed my talent points pretty good i think and i still lost 3-1