Deathball 2D Beta v1.5 Released!

Posted by Cronotek on March 4, 2007, 11:40 p.m.

Hey everyone. I apologize for the huge delay in getting this version out, but a few things prevented me from doing it. I had upgraded to Windows Vista but Game Maker 6 isn't compatible with it, so I had to wait until Game Maker 7 before I could continue development. In any case, here is the version notes for Beta v1.5!


- Deathball 2D is now compatible with the Windows Vista operating system.

- The "Vortex" map is now available to be played!

- Improved the visuals of the SpikeZone map.

- Added a "Boss Key" function. By opening the command console(F12) and typing 'bosskey', you can enable this work-safe mode. Pressing F9 while in this mode will instantly save and exit the game.

- After the ball is shot or volleyed, there is now a short delay before the opponent can volley it.

- Increased global shot power by approximately 1%.

- Decreased the player's shot rate by approximately 4%.

- Reduced the duration of the shot interrupt effect by 25%. It is now easier to get shots off after being hit.

- The speed of overpowered and shaken shots has been increased.

- When you are out of talent points, all talents with 0 points in them will now gray out.

- Talents will now have a green border when you can place points in them.

- Increased the shot and volley power of the Easy AI.


Endurance - The health regeneration bonus has been decreased from 15% to 10% per point.

Supercharge - New icon.

Overpower - Swapped locations with Amplified Volley Field. No longer requires points in Phase Filters.

Amplified Volley Field - Swapped locations with Overpower.

Bloodrage - The duration of the enrage effect has been increased from 6 to 8 seconds. The shot and volley power bonus has been increased from 8% to 10%.


- Fixed a talent display bug: The arrow from Titanium Plating to Bloodrage should now properly turn green when there are 3 points in Titanium Plating.

- The announcer speech for a keeper freezing the ball should no longer sometimes play multiple times.

- Fixed a bug where the keeper could freeze the ball after the game had already ended.

- The player should no longer pick up the ball while holding the right mouse button if the AI recently volleyed it.

- The net sizes in the Smallcube map have been fixed to match all the other maps (it is now 2 pixels wider).


Crane-ium 17 years, 2 months ago

Wooo!!! I just happend to download and play your game because I was looking around. I loved your game. If I downloaded it 10 minutes ago, will it be different now? I really liked it though. hehehe…the one reason you're staying on my fav users list.

Cronotek 17 years, 2 months ago

Thank you for your comments! Your feedback is greatly appreciated! :)

If you want to make sure you have the latest version, check the version number on the main menu of the game. You can also find the version number in the help file which is accessible from the main menu. The latest version is beta v1.5, so if you have v1.4, I suggest you download the newer version.

The version changes are listed above. Enjoy!

- Cronotek

Iluvfuz 17 years, 2 months ago

Oh yea! I remember playing the demo of it! It was awesome, hope you continue making it awesome…