Zeno's Emergency Consciousness Backup - guaranteed rescue within 60 subjective seconds!
0: We apologize, but your organic shell has suffered catastrophic failure; as per protocol, your consciousness has been shunted to surviving emergency systems, and your existence is being simulated. Rescue will occur within 60 subjective seconds. Should rescue take longer than anticipated, subjective time will be slowed to account for …
Forest Denizen
Onoes itsa furry! Something I had made for me a few months back, decided I wanted to post it. Fox inna forest!

News from the Box Fox
I have been busy here in my box. Work has increased in pace because we're nearing some milestones - good stuff though. I've been very happy with my new job these last three months, and although I've not had time to work on my game (too much programming at work …
More Futurethought
A man was walking along a road when he happened upon a child jumping up and down. As his path guidied him nearer, he realized that the child had placed a wrapped piece of candy upon the ground, and was in fact aggressively stomping on it with his boots. As …
The Broken Sky
Old Earth didn't need a Sky, it had had one of its own - or so the story went. The air was thinner now than when she was a child. Colder too, and not just because of her age. The slow pace left her breathing heavily. Some said that the …
Rawr, Need 3D Modeler (Will pay)
I quit my old job because they basically burned me out. It really sucked, because although I liked the place and people, they did not allow me to maintain a good work/life balance. Basically, they kept a way-too-accelerated development schedule, ignored repeated warnings and red flags about my stressing out, …
Take 3
Having written a blog twice and discarded the same, I feel this is one of those 'fuck it' moments.
Things are going very well both at work. I just finished a huge sprint with a very heavy refactor, but it was a refactor that was very much due. We probably …Laptop Inflation Blues
So, earlier this week I decided I was going to recommission my old laptop and put it into service as an experimental Linux box or something. I got it out of its box, got it charged up, booted it up made sure it ran fine. Unplugged it, went to bed, …
Firefly! Now in technicolor!
Also, look! A blog!
As the IRC chat regulars and readers of my last blog know, I'm developing a language. Some of you think I'm crazy! But the Banana God tells me YOU are the crazy ones! Wahahahaha!The serious issue of mental health aside, I've kept this project a …Huh, that's weird...
(Embedded Video)
Its nice to see stuff like this coming to the forefront of public knowledge. We like to think that things are fine, but even in the land of "freedom" and "equality", they really aren't. This, coupled with the NSA spying scandals, means that this next year is going …