Diver 2.0: A Demo

Posted by F1ak3r on July 5, 2013, 11:14 a.m.

Diver 2.0: Electric Boogaloo

In the long forgotten past age that the natives called "2009", I began work on a game called "Diver". The concept was quite simple: you're a diver who collects gold underwater and brings it back up to the surface, but the more gold you have the more weighed down you are and the harder it is to do that without drowning. The concept expanded quite naturally to include RPG elements such as stats and purchasable items to make your diving easier, and before I knew it I had a fairly solid, substantial piece of game on my hands. But I never released it.

This was for a few reasons: one, I never could get it polished or fully featured to my satisfaction; two, that "satisfaction" outstripped my actual ability at the time; and three, the code got really really messy as the game grew bigger and bigger. Seriously, it was disgusting.

But always wanted to return to the idea, and a few months ago I finally did. I started a new GM file, using only a few of the old art assets. I radically reworked the control scheme to use a more intuitive, modern mouse-following movement scheme than the previous arrow key one1.

I'm a much better programmer than I was four years ago, and the code reflects that. So far the project has been going swimmingly (I've released three previous demos on Facebook) and I should be looking to include everything from gold magnets and harpoons to a level editor. But there's still much work to be done.

To that end, I'd like y'all's suggestions and feedback on what I've got so far. You guys are mostly game developers/ex-game developers like me, so I'm sure you've got some really valuable input.

The to-do featurelist is currently looking a little like this:

- Purchasable harpoon gun for killing sharks

- Environment events (like sharks becoming more blood-thirsty and agile for periods of time – think the Blood Moon in Terraria)

- Achievements (maybe)

- More levels with different layouts

- Profiles and some kind of proper saving scheme

- Player usable level editor (seeing as I wrote one for myself to use I may as well include it)

1 – Which was really only there because I never put any real thought into how the motion should work and just went with the default thing that every other game ever has done.

So anyway, here's the demo: on 64D and on GDrive.

Dive for gold!

Hide in caves!

Get blown up by mines!

Die tragically!

Thanks for reading, and thanks for playing!


Ferret 11 years, 6 months ago

Pretty fun to play, got decently far in this, but it was really hard to tell what was going on at first. Things like rocket fuel and strength should be more obvious. Otherwise this would be a cool concept on a phone.

F1ak3r 11 years, 6 months ago

Hey thanks, Ferret!

Things like rocket fuel and strength should be more obvious.
Hmm, yeah, that's a good point, levelling them up doesn't really make much of a visible difference I suppose. Tweaking and balancing everything to be just right in this game is going to take some doing, but I'll start with this.

Otherwise this would be a cool concept on a phone.
Yeah, I've been thinking along those lines too. Once I've got the PC version done, I might invest in copy of GMS just for that, or perhaps look into something else and port it (would be a neat learning experience).

colseed 11 years, 6 months ago

Dive for gold!
For a moment, I read this as "Die for gold!", then realized it was accurate either way.

Started the game trying to swim upward by repeatedly clicking the left mouse button; stopped drowning continuously once I realized I could hold it down for better effect (specifically, rockets). So I guess what Ferret said about making things more obvious. :p

The design definitely lends itself to a mobile/web format though; it's got that easy pick-up-and-play format going for it with the division of gameplay into dives - plus they're easy to abort if the player is close to the surface, which is good. If you're looking for tech other than GMS to port to, you might want to try something like HaxeFlixel* (I'd recommend HaxePunk for better/more familiar engine structure for GM users and such, but at the moment it only compiles to Flash reliably so yeh).

* Haxe and HaxeFlixel have their quirks though, so just getting GMS might save a lot of hassle. Consider it fair warning from someone presently trying to learn both.

F1ak3r 11 years, 6 months ago

For a moment, I read this as "Die for gold!", then realized it was accurate either way.
Haha, oh man that's perfect. Mind if I quote you on that?

Started the game trying to swim upward by repeatedly clicking the left mouse button; stopped drowning continuously once I realized I could hold it down for better effect (specifically, rockets). So I guess what Ferret said about making things more obvious.
Putting a proper tutorial/hints system in place is definitely high priority.

Thanks for the info on Haxe. I'll look into that and see how I feel about it.

Cesque 11 years, 6 months ago

A trailer that needs to be made:

If I dive for you, you give me the time and the place, I give you a five minute window. Anything happens in that five minutes and I'm dead, no matter what. I don't sit in while you're purchasing upgrades, I don't carry a harpoon… I dive.

Okay, to be honest, this reminds me of the Quantum Conundrum in that the death quotes are funnier than the game itself. That's not say the game isn't fun, it's just rather simple and too random. And I'm not saying the graphics are bad… but really, you should spend more time on text-based games, maybe? :)

F1ak3r 11 years, 6 months ago

And I'm not saying the graphics are bad… but really, you should spend more time on text-based games, maybe? :)
It's true. I'm gonna see about getting someone else to do some graphics.

Astryl 11 years, 6 months ago

It's true. I'm gonna see about getting someone else to do some graphics.

Get yourself over to the West Coast and we can collaborate. Or the other way round.

colseed 11 years, 6 months ago

Mind if I quote you on that?
lol go ahead

I look forward to being consoled by a quote by myself when I die for the 114th time ;_;