I think this is a blog

Posted by Ferret on Feb. 3, 2012, 4:19 p.m.

But I'm not sure.

Last night I had a dream that I died to invisible bears because I didn't throw enough money at them, even though my AK was doing decent damage.

Press the play button:

That there is a remix of a cover that my friend sang. She is pretty dang amazing. She also was probably the loudest voice screaming in that Amnesia video I did a while back. I'm going to try and gather them up again soon to play Penumbra.

School-wise, I should be on my last semester of community college. The original plan was to transfer to a University out after this crap, but because in my first semester I was like "omg I can learn Japanese, how cool" and then got a D it would take me another year of this place to retake the class (and another semester because they don't take spring semesters). So I said screw that I'm just going to go to any random Cal State, get my BS in comp sci, then go somewhere cool for my Masters. At this point I just can't stand living with parents anymore, especially now that I'm the only one left. And I don't like my stepdad.

Job-wise, I've had a new one since late October. It's pretty cool and pays $9 an hour (a dollar above minimum wage) and it's full of people my age, which is good because my last job was full of old ladies.

Videogame-wise, my PC has officially spoiled me, and I just can't get back into my PS3 like I used to. At least it's this way for new games, if I pop in something old and amazing like Warhawk or Demon's Souls nostalgia probably is kicking in and makes me enjoy them more than other games (unless it's too soon to call it nostalgia, I feel so different from the last time I played these games). Idk, console games are just kinda simplistic these days, actually there is one new game I still play from time to time and it's Dark Souls because of it's deep RPG elements. That is one game where I actually feel like I'm playing a PC game and not some console game where I have to be nag'd every second how to play the game. It might be the dated technology too; I play my PC and PS3 on the same monitor and my PC is able to handle quite a bit. Idk, but games just don't seem to get as intense as some games in League of Legends, man I've had some pretty impressive comebacks lately, I should record that crap and shove it down your guys' throats.

Pounce4evur's-blog-wise, it made me want to show my cat. Not in a mocking way like "look I still have a cat" dick way, I just have always wanted to show my cat because he does this sort or weird thing when I hold him that looks adorably affectionate. The problem is it wouldn't be very apparent in a still image, so I would have to do a video of it. If I'm doing a video of it though I'll be holding him and standing there like an idiot so I may as well talk about something. So I was thinking maybe I'd take a cue from the take a picture of yourself fad and maybe start a post a video of yourself fad. Wouldn't be very difficult for Rez or Qwilderwibben.

Making-a-game-wise, I am making one. I feel the need to mention it for some reason even though it's so early in it's development that it's kinda trivial, but it's definitely has the best platforming engine I've made thus far.

Musically-adept-wise, I decided I want to learn piano so I can understand music better. So I'm going to take a lesson from that girl that is singing up at the top of this blog.

Banner-wise, I found a picture of two Ferrets in turtlenecks, and it was too cool to ignore.

End-of-blog-wise, I can't really think of anything else really so I guess I'll stop.

Love ya.


JID 12 years, 8 months ago

The ferret with the blue sweater's face made me lol.

Okay, now Imma be for serious and start reading this blog.

Toast 12 years, 8 months ago

Best banner ever

JID 12 years, 8 months ago

Your friend is a good singer.

pounce4evur 12 years, 8 months ago

Do it :) I'll post a video of myself singing if you do.

EDIT: those ferrets look rather dashing in those turtlenecks, if I do say so myself.

Rez 12 years, 8 months ago

She has a great voice. Also, now I wanna vlog!

LAR Games 12 years, 8 months ago

Ferret's are so awkward to hold. They're like a snake/rat hybrid. haha

Praying Mantis 12 years, 8 months ago

Videogame-wise, my PC has officially spoiled me, and I just can't get back into my PS3 like I used to. At least it's this way for new games, if I pop in something old and amazing like Warhawk or Demon's Souls nostalgia probably is kicking in and makes me enjoy them more than other games (unless it's too soon to call it nostalgia, I feel so different from the last time I played these games). Idk, console games are just kinda simplistic these days
Relatable, for me. I had become rather bored of games in general (mostly because goddamn, there are so many on PC), but playing my xbox games from about 2 years ago, and PS2 games from about 5 years ago was a lot of fun, even though the games were only ok, or were kind of silly. I think console games are like that because they aren't just about the games; having the console and game cases is kind of like a hobbyist's thing.

If I were to post a video, it'd be of me playing Song of Storms on recorder, or whatever because I don't have a whole lot of physical talents.

Ferret 12 years, 8 months ago

I'm glad you all like the banner, I like it as well.

@SMP, I keep thinking you are JID… Anyways, it'd be cool if you did that :D

I think I'm going to do a video once I grab a webcam of some kind.

Castypher 12 years, 8 months ago

Ah, Ferret…. Every time I look at you I remember how you ate my albino rat.

Ferret 12 years, 8 months ago

…. wait what?! D: