GBlog 5
This week I've been putting alot of time into my newest project Aeon. It's an Aquatic Evolution game similar to the games flOw and Spore. (Although I found out about the games after I started my project and was getting flamed by friends saying its a rip off of other …
Aquatic Engine Speed Check
Hey, i'm working on an aquatic game and its using alot of surface functions. If you could test it real fast and give me an fps check I'd appreciate it. At the moment there's just movement but I'm working on my bubble and wave system which is the most important …
GBlog 3 [Alot of News]
GBlog 3 here. I'm going to talk about the projects I'm working on. Starting with the project that was suppose to enter the halloween competition. Sadly, I don't have enough time to finish it before halloween. I may submit a small version of it though, or just keep it to …
GBlog 2
I've completed the homepage to my personal website where I will be hosting all my projects, artwork, and music. [Note: all there is, is a homepage. The links take you no where] The content may not be 100% up to date but the design is. If you don't mind taking …
Been a while since I updated my blog. So, what's going on in my life. Well, I'm working a small project for this Halloween Competition here at the digits. It'll be my first competition entry. I started late but the progress on the game is going smoothly. It'll be a …
Dawn of Envy [Week 2]
Some more screenshots and updates on the progress of the revived project: Dawn of Envy. A medieval RTS game for those of you unfamiliar with the project. This will be the third release of the game and therefore it will be known as Dawn of Envy III.

So yea, I've decided to make a blog non-gamemaker related. I'm not aware of how many of you here actually do sports but, whatever… Today I had a cross country meet and I was running a 5k race. (For those of you who don't know, 5k=3.1miles) To my surprise I …
Previews of DoE
With one week put into the revival of Dawn of Envy I have some news on the progress. One goal of mine was to re-program the entire engine to optimize its speed and make the engine more versatile so more features can be easily added. Here's a screenshot of what …
Dawn of Envy Back In Progress.
Dawn of Envy
I'm reviving my Dawn of Envy game which is an RTS that takes place in ancient times. The one thing that bothers me most is how common it is to other games and how much influence other games are becoming. There's not too much that hasn't been …