CSW Tech Demo and More

Posted by GreenNex on May 10, 2008, 12:36 p.m.

CSW(Artistic Trial)

I decided to release a tech demo just because I can. It only has one room and one type of enemy due to my lazyness. I have not work on this game since last year, around November. The demo is not impressive but at least it is something. I wish I can show you guys more but I can't. next time I release a demo, I promise that it will be a full demo, not stuff like this. You are able to try some of the weapons and tunics. There is not a lot to do but whatever. (Click on picture.)

Platform Classic

This is just a revision of the old Plat Class I had before. I really do not have that much information on this game. It is not official if I am going to finish it, like many of my other projects.

Platfom Classic Old

…………… and the new

Plat Class 2

(I know you are going to hate the tech demo, but hopefully not.)


Juju 16 years ago

*Wolf whistles* Very pretty. The sky needs a bit of detail though, some clouds or something would be nice.

sludgames 16 years ago

yeah, nice graphics

stampede 16 years ago

Yay looks good!

Nighthawk 16 years ago

Wow, VERY like Cave Story, you should make the character move a little faster though. Do you need a music composer?

Scott_AW 16 years ago

Looks good, how come the pencil draws black though? I can't really make it out from the background.

GreenNex 16 years ago


Yeah, I do need a music composer.