Happy April 30th

Posted by Jabberwock on April 30, 2008, 7:13 p.m.

Two blogs in two days? God forbid!

First order of business:

Sparklehorse is a great band. (Well, actually it's just one guy, with a revolving cast of backing players, including members of The Flaming Lips and Tom Waits.) He has a very unusual aesthetic, both musically and lyrically. This is one of my favorite songs of his:


It's an official music video. Not much is going on, I guess, but it's cool anyhow. Like the song, it is strange, soft, and slow. If you don't like those things, don't watch it.

Second order of business:

I'd record another song and put it up, but my voice is gone because I have a cold, and anyway I just tossed the batch of songs I had been writing because, except for fragments of a couple songs, it was all crap. (I know you're probably thinking, "that sounds a lot like the song he actually posted." And hell, maybe you're right.) I was also going to post a story, again, but blog formatting makes it looks so horrible and unappealing that I couldn't bring myself to do it. So I guess I don't really have that much to blog about. Sue me.
