This website's only gonna die when the cord gets pulled huh.
Hi everyone. Been a while. Though I've been in discord popping up every time someone mentions math.I wanna get this thing off my chest. For the last 2 to 3 years I've been trying to take the actuarial exams. Why? So I can have a direction of sorts. Not even one that I necessarily follow. But in typical me fashion, I was spotty. Study for 6 months, break for 6 kinda thing. Not a good thing to do tbh.Well the thing that I wanna get off my chest is that I can't do it. Or at least I don't think I can. It didn't really dawn on me until recently, but my brain is slowing down. A lot. Though it has its advantages, I'll admit. Is it age? Dunno. But I've been back on a study bender and I can't keep up the amount of time that I physically put into it. My brain is starting to shut down after like, 2 hours. In the past I could keep up the thinking and studying kinda thing for 20 if need be. Good ol college days.I do think I use the two hours better than I used to use my time though. Maybe I now know how to learn better, as I can understand a lot of the material that I couldn't get earlier before this block when I go through it. Like options on currency conversions, I kinda get that now.The actuarial exams are kinda scary too. I'm really scared of the next few, even if I got through the first two. Fear sucks.Dunno what else to write. So let's end it here on nothing substantial. PLatformed won't delay itself, ya know.Slowing down
Posted by Kenon on May 8, 2018, 9:27 p.m.
6 years, 9 months ago

This site will remain up for as long as I keep paying for the hosting and domain, and I don't expect this to be a financial burden any time soon.