LAR Games

Posted by LAR Games on Sept. 30, 2014, 1:41 p.m.

You know, considering my username…. I don't work on games very much anymore.

I'm hoping to change that, and I've actually been sort of productive over the past two or so months.

Thanks to Acid's help with a great example on how to do an inventory, I started my own RPG engine.

It's actually coming along too!

Here's the versions I've actually created an executable for:











The latest version(That I've created an .exe of) is number 5 and since the previous one I've added character animation support, footstep sounds, and more.

The latest version is version 6. I improved the code of the items you pick up on the ground quite a bit (It took a veeerry long time), and I also managed to make it so you can only equip only one of an item.

Currently you can only equip the helmet in the head slot and spells in the left hand slot.

Also, you can actually use the spells that are equipped in the left hand. If you have on equipped, you can click the right mouse button to fire.

Not to mention a bunch of other under the hood stuff, that I can't remember. :

The latest version is version 7. I finally separated the sprite system so that items can look one way when they're inventory items, and another when they're equipped on the character.

Another more substantial addition is the escape menu. You can now restart the game, change fullscreen mode, exit the game, and enable or disable the Optimizations (culling) inside the menu.

I've yet to add the ability to change the resolution to anything other than the default of 720p because I have a feeling that's going to be quite the little project.

Not looking forward to that. lol

There's also a blood setting there as well, but it doesn't do anything. That was just so I can test how easily I can add another menu item. :P

The latest version is version 8.


I added health, mana, and stamina stats to the character.

I added healthbars for all of those stats as well.

You can now use consumable items in the inventory by pressing "E"

Health Potions restore health.

Mana Potions restore mana.

You can now press "E" on a rename scroll to rename an open chest.

I added rocks.

I added trees.

You can't really test it, but I made it so you don't get an error when there isn't a tile under the character.

I made it so sprinting takes up stamina.

I also added jumping. (I'm not sure about this)

Jumping uses stamina.

The latest version is version 10


Added rudimentary enemies with very, very simple AI. (They don't attack yet)

Added clock

Added passing of days

Can now dual wield swords

Can now equip swords in either hand (Or any dev specified weapon)

Added shift clicking

Created simple lighting system

Created simple shadow system

Both change with new day/ night cycle

Attacking now makes you stop moving

Items can now have extremely long names

Footstep particle materials are now correctly displayed where your foot lands

Added 3d sound (This took me FOREVER)


I'm really excited to make more progress, I just hope I don't get stuck on something dumb and then give up like all my other projects…

EDIT: I forgot to mention that this is still an engine and I actually haven't started working on the game for the competition yet. :(

All of the graphics and everything visual is still programmer art, so I know they suck. lol

Since this is an engine still, I haven't actually worked on any of the assets. Even the sounds are quickly recorded messes. haha


LAR Games 10 years ago

There's two different types of health potion? Huh. There shouldn't be. lol

LAR Games 9 years, 9 months ago

The latest version is version 10


Added rudimentary enemies with very, very simple AI. (They don't attack yet)

Added clock

Added passing of days

Can now dual wield swords

Can now equip swords in either hand (Or any dev specified weapon)

Added shift clicking

Created simple lighting system

Created simple shadow system

Both change with new day/ night cycle

Attacking now makes you stop moving

Items can now have extremely long names

Footstep particle materials are now correctly displayed where your foot lands

Added 3d sound (This took me FOREVER)


Alert Games 9 years, 9 months ago

Moikle 9 years, 9 months ago

LAR Games 9 years, 9 months ago

I'm sad nobody's commented on the things the test enemies say when they die. :(

spike1 9 years, 9 months ago

Hahaha, it's pretty funny :D. Why a sandwich though??

Anyway, it's a pretty solid engine, but a few things do bug me about it.

I think you should be able to pick up items without hovering over them, it makes it difficult to fight and pickup things at the same time, although maybe that's intentional. The item system seems pretty solid, a quick equip would be good though (Right click and it puts it in the right spot automatically). Love seeing the armor and weapons armed on the character though, it gives a nice sense of progression. It would also be nice to be able to take all items in a chest instantly.

Fighting feels pretty solid, the animation, from what I saw at least (12fps) was pretty good and the enemies were somewhat fun to fight. I don't think they do any damage yet, but if not that's probably already on the things to fix haha.

Another odd thing is sometimes all the items vanish. This could be because of how old my computer is (Just typing this out is lagging, the game ran at around 12 fps :D), but it's something to keep in mind depending on your target PC. Also, when changing from full-screen to windowed it looses all the surface references, causing errors too pop up.

Really like how the tree tops fade out when you go under them, there are a ton of really neat little touches like that that make it feel pretty good to handle.

It's a very solid start, just a few small things that become a bit annoying :). And yes, love the enemy death noises, they're hilarious. XD. I'm kind of hoping they stay for whatever game you make with it :).

LAR Games 9 years, 9 months ago

Wow. 12 FPS? Hmm something's definitely wrong there… I have a couple ideas for how I can make the game run better but dang, I get like 200. I'll see what I can do in the next version.

Yeah. The aiming to pick up items thing was completely intentional. I wanted the player to have complete control over what they're picking up, and for it to be harder to do while fighting. (Unless you're used to it, I guess. :P)

Oh. Also, If you shift click items in chests it goes instantly into your inventory so I don't think there's really a need for a "loot all" button. Hmm, maybe for much larger chests…

Slightly related, but everything I've ever seen you post has either been interesting or helpful, and I really appreciate you giving me such quality feedback. I'm really impressed with how you present yourself online, especially considering how much young you are. (At least I think you are. haha)

So yeah, I hope you keep being one of the good ones. People on the Internet can be real jerks a lot of the time.


This is where the sounds come from. They're hilarious! If you've ever seen Dragonball Z)

Well, maybe by itself too, but I don't know. :P


I just limited the framerate with an external tool and man, the game acts WIERD with low FPS. I honestly don't know how to get around that, especially since I designed the game with a minimum target of 60 FPS in mind. :/


Hmm… I'm glad you noticed that surface error. I was able to replicate it, and now the great journey called bug fixing begins. :P

I just added the lighting system, and that uses surfaces so now I know that it's the lighting system causing the problem.


Fixed it.

Well, fixed for the next version at least. :P

Acid 9 years, 9 months ago

Kakakakakakacarrot cake

Moikle 9 years, 9 months ago

A true saiyan always sprinkles when he tinkles!