Blog Tiem.

Posted by SixWinged on April 19, 2009, 8:42 a.m.

Hey guys, SixWinged here.

Holidays are drawing to a close, which means I'll have no free time again, so I figure I'll take this opportunity to write a blog while I still can. I'll try make it to 64D but I'll probably be much more inactive over the couple of months.

My holiday nights mainly consisted of movies and tv shows into the early hours. I got hooked on Dexter. It's an amazing show and I quickly made my way through all 3 season. Also watched every season of How I Met Your Mother and 3 seasons of Scrubs. And of course I kept up with the weekly episodes of Heroes and Lost.

As far as movies go I've been pretty disappointed, haven't seen a good movie since Watchmen. I saw The Uninvited, Knowing, The International and Monsters vs Aliens, each of them was far below my expectations.

Days mainly consisted of hanging out with my mates and having epic Rock Band sessions. I downloaded GH: Metallica, which was fun for the first few songs. Then I realized that I'm not a Metallica fan because every single song sounds identical…. The game itself is solid and the songs are all fun to play, notecharting is epic, I just grew bored of it quite quickly.

Speaking of music, my current shuffle list for the month consist of:

- In Flames

- Lamb of God

- As I Lay Dying

- Rise Against

- Escape the Fate

- War of Ages

- Sonic Syndicate.

I'm gonna brace for "Your music sucks" comments because I know they're bound to come, but hey, I enjoy this music and that's all that matters.

No new art this week, not entirely sure why, laziness on my part I suppose. Although I have started writing a few tutorials. Myself and a friend are starting our own tutorial site/blog-thingy. Temporary link at but I'll be buying a domain name soon. Comments and Criticism is appreciated.

EDIT: I tell a lie, turns out I have done some art this week. Album art for my friends band, unfinished but the concept's there.


PY 15 years, 6 months ago

ur muzax suk dic lulzlalz

F1ak3r 15 years, 6 months ago

<3 Rise Against.

Juju 15 years, 6 months ago

Rise Against are indeed good.

frenchcon1 15 years, 6 months ago

i've not heard of Escape the Fate or War or Ages, and Lamb of God are alright, but the rest are awful.

frenchcon1 15 years, 6 months ago

and knowing is the best film ever

SixWinged 15 years, 6 months ago

@Plethicide: Your opinion is awful. :)

Also, Knowing was great until the end, the actual build up had amazing special effects and a great storyline… But I think the writers dug themselves a hole and could not come up with an ending to fit.

RC 15 years, 6 months ago

My brother's band just played with War of Ages in a show last night. I haven't listened to them though, but I don't think your music sucks. =o

Hydra 15 years, 6 months ago

Escape the fate <3

Cpsgames 15 years, 6 months ago


- In Flames

- Lamb of God

- As I Lay Dying

- Rise Against

- Escape the Fate

- War of Ages

- Sonic Syndicate.


SixWinged 15 years, 6 months ago

My brother's band just played with War of Ages in a show last night. I haven't listened to them though, but I don't think your music sucks. =o
:O That's awesome.