64DSC - 3

Posted by Tien on April 9, 2014, 5:44 a.m.

This is an archive, stream of consciousness style, devblog of my adventures trying to code up a game for the first time.

Here is the last non-current update:

I've upgraded my shaders so now they fade in/out to black in between levels. This is where the story will be written. I still have some ideas for how I'm going to end the game, as well as sync music and the greyscale effect. I spent too much time trying to be able to push the stone around, and have it fall into the pit. Having my coordinate system be jacked up meant that I had to reverse X and Y when checking tiles, versus checking collision. I was able to get it done, and now I have a foundation upon which to add keys/doors. The ice may be a bit more difficult, but I shouldn't have any trouble with it. I had to recreate my spritesheet because I needed to draw in the letters for outputting text to the screen. At this point I should mention a peculiar quirk that quickly became a "feature". I have to have my spritesheet be inverted vertically, or they will appear upside down in the game.

I have my text outputter written, it's a very large switch/case structure, but it seems to work for me. I have a variable scaling parameter, which automatically adjusts the spacing between letters and words as well. This should let me code in lowercase letters fairly easily, if I wanted to do that. The major time sink now will be getting the levels mapped out, as well as the story written. The story is the most important part of this little game, as the artwork, music, and even gameplay, aren't very good. I still haven't decided on how many levels I want this game to have, but I'm going to try and put 1-3h worth of game/story into it.
