Chiken=Pot Head

Posted by abacus on June 4, 2007, 8:16 p.m.

Quote: Chat Log

abacoos (8:56:48 PM): i have a ciripault

abacoos (8:57:03 PM): i killed a fire bat in 1 hit

ChIkEnAtEmYdOnUt (8:57:04 PM): w00t

ChIkEnAtEmYdOnUt (8:57:10 PM): nice

abacoos (8:57:38 PM): is it possible to have battling be more than just clicking attack

ChIkEnAtEmYdOnUt (8:57:46 PM): idk

abacoos (8:57:49 PM): like an attack or defend button

ChIkEnAtEmYdOnUt (8:57:58 PM): Ummm

ChIkEnAtEmYdOnUt (8:58:00 PM): Mabe..

abacoos (8:58:02 PM): so if you think they are going to hurt you you defend

ChIkEnAtEmYdOnUt (9:01:45 PM): k

ChIkEnAtEmYdOnUt (9:01:47 PM): pot time

abacoos (9:01:55 PM): wha?

ChIkEnAtEmYdOnUt (9:02:04 PM): pot time.

abacoos (9:02:08 PM): drugs?

ChIkEnAtEmYdOnUt (9:02:17 PM): Umm…

ChIkEnAtEmYdOnUt (9:02:18 PM): Maybe…

abacoos (9:02:23 PM): mmmmmmmm

abacoos (9:02:23 PM): no

abacoos (9:02:29 PM): drugs are bad, mmmmmmmmk?

ChIkEnAtEmYdOnUt (9:02:29 PM): No?

abacoos (9:02:43 PM): DRUGS ARE BAD, MMMMMMMMK?



ChIkEnAtEmYdOnUt (9:03:17 PM): lol

ChIkEnAtEmYdOnUt (9:04:00 PM): smoke some weed

ChIkEnAtEmYdOnUt (9:04:03 PM): amazing things happen

abacoos (9:04:08 PM): yup

abacoos (9:04:14 PM): your brain cells die

ChIkEnAtEmYdOnUt (9:04:26 PM): =D

ChIkEnAtEmYdOnUt (9:04:42 PM): Stem Cell research will fix that

abacoos (9:05:38 PM): lets go kill some stupid humanitarians who think stem cell research is bad!!!

ChIkEnAtEmYdOnUt (9:06:19 PM): dude

ChIkEnAtEmYdOnUt (9:06:21 PM): take 10 bucks

ChIkEnAtEmYdOnUt (9:06:27 PM): and buy maybe like 1/16

abacoos (9:06:34 PM): and buy a comic book

ChIkEnAtEmYdOnUt (9:06:34 PM): or 20 and get an eighth

abacoos (9:06:47 PM): and 2000 to buy a gun

abacoos (9:06:56 PM): and commit suicide

Ok. So chat log is over. So this isn't entirely a chat log, which will get tagged, I will post some other stuff.


In other news, i got a new m,osue, becasue my old one sucked and froze right before i was about to do something, ie snipe someone or put in 1 pixel on a sprite.

My new one is much better but it sometimes laggs for some reason. but that i can fix by using a mouse pad.

Sometimes it doesnt work on the mouse pad though. it is very fickle.

About a month ago a friend of mine gave me Morowind. It's fun. I've been playing ST a lot too.

I've started up work on Destro Online, and i got it to have 2 different attacks. I am using the engine for Winged Warfare, another game i am making.

got to go now or ill get grounded. Bai!


poultry 16 years, 11 months ago

Why does every chat log that I have with you keep getting on this damn website?

Amarin 16 years, 11 months ago

Destro Online?

KaBob799 16 years, 11 months ago

Try using an optical mouse on a glass table =0

flashback 16 years, 11 months ago

The more you warn Shadow Yoshis, the stupider they become.

Nathan 16 years, 11 months ago

Those brain cells will just die anyways, as you get older and die yourself, why not kill them young? xD

poultry 16 years, 11 months ago

EXACTLY *High five*

Nathan 16 years, 11 months ago

great minds think alike ^^

s 16 years, 11 months ago

My mouse is better without a mousepad

How is 1 and 2 different?

And as for ChIkEn being a druggy…arn't most ppl?

Andy 16 years, 11 months ago

I don’t think stem cell research will be here in time for Chicken…

firestormx 16 years, 11 months ago

The odds are fairly high that a $2000 gun will not be a pistol. (which causes complications when attempting to die)

Also, pot doesn't kill braincells!

It just kind of puts them to sleep, and we have no way of waking them up. ^_^