64Digits v0

Posted by aeron on Aug. 13, 2019, 3:28 p.m. 📌

64Digits has returned! Well, we were never gone, but I should probably explain why everything looks so different.

The staff have decided to migrate from the previous codebase due to maintanability and security concerns. It is with some careful deliberation that we have decided to turn over a new leaf and start fresh in a new codebase.

You're looking at the pre-next generation of 64Digits, which we have dubbed "v0". The site is currently read-only, meaning you cannot log in or post, and only public posts are visible. But the bulk of the site content has been migrated over to establish that YES we are still here and NO we are not going anywhere.

In due time, we will roll out updates to restore functionality to different areas of the site. Once we reach our next milestone, the site will leave read-only mode and v0 will cease to be. We shall call it… v5!

In the meantime, you can find us all in Discord. If you need to get in touch for any reason, that is the best place to reach out to the staff or members of the community. Thank you for your patience, we will be back where we left off soon!

- aeron


NeutralReiddHotel 4 years, 7 months ago

Thanks aeron <3 looks super cool bud