Change of Loyalty?

Posted by andyzweb on Feb. 21, 2007, 9:39 a.m.

Well I think this might be the end of it. For all my life (or atleast since the Rage 128 PRO) I have been an ati fan. For a while now i have been considering getting an ATI 1950XT Crossfire setup but after about a month of looking at all the stats and benchmarks, i think i may have fallen to the 8800GTX nVidia graphics card with its uber DX10 capabilities.

this counts as my first blog post so I will formerally introduce myself to the Community, You can call me Andy, or andyzweb, or handy. Your prefrence.

My Expirence with Gamemaker itself is very limited but my expirence with other programs is quite extensive

With the Modeling programs Milkshap3d, 3dsMax, gMax I have really good expirence, and I will post some examples of my work later on.

for programing I have Limited expirence with C++, Java, and Perl. I have intermediate expirence with LUA scripting, Python, Assembly, and HLSL, and Near expertise in PHP.

ok so thats it, and have a good day 64D community!


Amarin 17 years, 2 months ago

Wow, that's a lot of languages. And for all of you guys who don't know, this is my friend from school.

FireflyX 17 years, 2 months ago

welcome to 64digits you sound like a very intelligent person.

Castypher 17 years, 2 months ago

Welcome to 64Digits.

You use 3D modeling? Well, I'm just starting. Maybe you can give me some pointers. :)

TwistyWristy 17 years, 2 months ago

Welcome to 64Digits.

Looking forward to seeing some of your 3D work…


Maxcore 17 years, 2 months ago

The nVidia drivers for Vista (DX10) suck, but I'm sure they will release new ones soon. The 8800 GTX is a lot of money too, I would wait till they release their lowend card (not sure of the model number) that only costs $180, supports DX 10, and has 512 MB of memory.

KaBob799 17 years, 2 months ago

milkshape is evil =0

Rob 17 years, 2 months ago

The ten commandments of 64Digits:

1. Thou shall not feed ChIkEn.. EVER

2. Thou shall leave thy sanity in thy red box by thy door

3. Thou shall not post short blogs

4. Thou shall not spam

5. Thou shall shoot MrPacman in the face

6. Thou shall worship Ciribot

7. Thou shall blame it on Kaz

8. Thou shall not use text formatting in blog titles

9. Thou shall not make duplicate accounts

10. Thou shall not post blogs more then once a server day

Hey, why not?

Amarin 16 years, 12 months ago

Well, you haven't been here for ages.