[JSG] Google

Posted by jsorgeagames on June 21, 2007, 7:36 a.m.

Whenever you are trying to find hard-to-find game resources, Google is not the answer. I need a house tileset and a road tileset, but I can't find any. Is there a site that has a ton of tilesets?

Also, Google thinks that when I type in tileset, I mean Mah Jong tilesets, which are actual puzzle game tiles. Tiles, as in, 3d blocks and such.

Right now, I have fixed GameCraft by making a whole new interface and starting the project from scratch. The things I have are:

> Load Tile (GIF or bmp)

> Create Tile

> Delete Tile

> New Project

> Save Project

> Load Project

> Depth Up, Down, Reset

> Scale Up, Down, Reset

> Y Scale Up, Down, Reset

> X Scale Up, Down, Reset

> Alpha Up, Down, Reset

> Rotation Up, Down, Reset

> Menu from Tile when clicked

> Move

> Select

> Deselect

> Delete

Also, I uploaded GC to the queue. Does anyone know how to delete things in the queue or edit their descriptions? I said to not use the load button, because it can't find the sprites, but I fixed it: You just have to have the sprites in the folder or desktop where the saved project is.

EDIT: Oh, great. The load thing in GC doesn't work again, it needs to know which sprite goes to which object when loading.


LunchTime 16 years, 10 months ago

Maybe you could be original and make your own?

stampede 16 years, 10 months ago

You need to know HOW to search Google.

Short I say.

jsorgeagames 16 years, 10 months ago

I will make my own.