lesson(s) of the day

Posted by princess on June 25, 2013, 2:40 p.m.

I was talking to this guy last night and I asked him why he no longer works at AutoZone (car parts store). He said he got arrested while on the job. He's a drug dealer, so I assumed he got caught with something. He replied with a story that I was not expecting at all. I thought I'd share it with all of you so you could maybe learn from his mistake.

He was making a delivery for work and on his way back, he saw a woman on the streets dancing (he said she looked like a prostitute). He decided he'd make a stop to say hi and get a picture with her before heading back to the store. He claims he does funny stuff like that while driving the work truck, like drifting it in the streets. Then he goes back to work to tell his coworkers.

For some crazy reason, he asked her how much she charges for a blowjob. She said $20. He agreed (supposedly he was going to back out at the last minute and then get a picture)

She said to follow him around the corner and as he does…. BAM! The cops show up, he's arrested, and spends the night in jail. The "prostitute" was an undercover cop and she had apparently caught 3 guys that day. My friend's mom bailed him out of jail and now he has a court date set for July 3rd where he's going to plea not guilty.

So lesson learned: don't try to commit illegal acts like prostitution. It could be a set up. You could get caught. You could go to jail. This includes talking (read: cybering) with minors online. I've seen several articles recently about undercover cops pretending to be underage girls online in attempts to catch predators. Not to say any of you are predators…but you know…just be careful.

Another lesson learned: pay attention when you drive or else you'll hit a curb and have to pay $250 for a new tire.


Eva unit-01 11 years, 7 months ago

On a certain level, I do think the baiting technique is kinda jacked up, because they're essentially preying on the stupid. But then again, it's the stupid's fault for making a stupid decision in the first place I guess.

factnfiction101 11 years, 7 months ago

I think prostitution being illegal is stupid anyway. It only hurts the females who can't go to the police when something bad happens in fear of being jailed. Our cops shouldn't be the STD police or sky god's police, imo.

panzercretin 11 years, 7 months ago

I'm disturbed by how you know this, Panzer.

I used to collect (read: hoard) Xbox Original games - I'd check craigslist and backpage for people getting rid of their collections. I clicked on the escort link out of curiosity (considering 'escort" is just a euphemism for "prostitute" I was confused why it was on there at all, considering it's a relatively well-known public forum - couldn't the police just go through all of those one day and be done with it?(and don't tell me you wouldn't click on it too out of curiosity)). The lowest price I saw there was 80 or so - not that I'd go for that because A) I don't have that kind of money B) I'm pretty sure at least half of them were stings and/or murdertraps and C) I don't want my precious ween being catching something awful.