College and Life

Posted by samuraikill on Sept. 15, 2017, 9:51 p.m.

Wow, I haven't posted a blog here in a while, here we go. So I've been in college for about a year now earning my associate's degree in computer information technology and I'm loving it. I am taking 4 classes at the moment, three of which are computer classes and one algebra class. One of my classes is computer programing using C++ and that is awesome because I've always wanted to learn C++. It's not as hard as I thought it was going to be.

I haven't spent much time with GM:S these days but I still feel like I can make a game if I just put my mind and time into it. Hell, I even have the necessary tools to export a game on android and publish it on the market but I just keep procrastinating.

I've been very busy though, working a full-time job (14hr days) and attending college full time. I got my own house and a new car so I guess life's not so bad. I also spent a couple years in the army, I joined in 2009 and got out in 2014. I'll never go through that again. But I hope everyone else is doing ok right now. I just need to finish my degree and then get a better job.


twisterghost 7 years, 4 months ago

Good lord, 14 hour work days? Why? any way you can cut that back?

The overworking fetish in America is pretty sad. What are you working as? Be wary of burnout - shits real.

Glad to hear things are going well, though. Just consider work-school-life balance. It's important.

samuraikill 7 years, 4 months ago

I work in a construction warehouse getting materials together, loading trucks, delivering materials, and cutting steel. It was only supposed to be a temporary job but it turned into a full-time job and I've been doing it for 3 years now. It's also forced overtime but luckily I can cut my hours down a little on the days that I have college. I'm trying to earn my degree and then apply for a white-collar job.