It's a GIRL !!!1

Posted by t3mp3st on April 7, 2007, 11:16 p.m.

Alison Mae

Born: April 07, 2007

Weight: 7 pounds, 11 ounces

Length: 20 inches

*note: The liquid by the eyes is am antibiotic applied shortly after birth, she was about 15-20 minutes old at the time of this picture ^_^

Finally. About 26 hours after being checked into the hospital, …

Baby update...

Posted by t3mp3st on April 4, 2007, 11:47 p.m.

Sorry for the long 'absense', and the semi-short blog listed in recent, but I hope I can be forgiven for this one…

Tomorrow's the big day, actually today (April 5th) to be exact. At 8am me and my fiance will be going into the hospital, and I will most likely …

Slacker, that's me.

Posted by t3mp3st on Dec. 16, 2006, 8:16 a.m.

Yeah, it's pretty sad. I slack when it comes to keeping up with my blog (just as I have with my eo blog, which I always promise to stick to), and just as much as I slack with the game production. Countless projects (albeit many have been fangames), and never …

Baby Pictures !!1

Posted by t3mp3st on Nov. 9, 2006, 8:50 p.m.

Well, had the second sonogram done yesterday ^_^

Anyways, from his/her positioning, we still could not tell whether it is a boy or a girl, but it's looking kinda evil, just like it's old man :p

One thing we did learn however, is that it is in a breach position… …


Posted by t3mp3st on Oct. 10, 2006, 1:02 a.m.

Just a quick little entry, more of a 'Yes, I am still alive' kinda thing, won't bother to front page it.

Just some comments, and some coming soon type of things:

-Big personal life develepmont underway, pictures coming soon.

-First project that I am actually pretty serious about completing. Images …

Awaiting the Release

Posted by t3mp3st on Aug. 22, 2006, 9:06 p.m.

Sorry if the title lured anyone into a false sense of expecting a project from me anytime soon, just had the thought to mention the reason for some upcoming lack of activity, as well as the avatar change…

Disgaea 2: Cursed Memories

Scheduled for release August 29th, here in the …

Quiet guy speaks...

Posted by t3mp3st on Aug. 16, 2006, 11:11 p.m.

I'm not much for talking about myself, I'm more often moving topics, but what the hey…

Gotta show my stuff somewhere, so I think I'll give this place a chance. Guess I'll have to let you know when I have some stuff :p

Seriously, I've had dozens of projects in …