Official Facility B Gameplay Video 01

Posted by tijitdamijit on May 8, 2008, 1:39 a.m.

Heya everybody!

Good news, the expected release date of Facility B Chapter One is estimated to be within two months.

To celebrate, I decided to put a little gameplay video together for everybody's sick enjoyment ;)

For those who saw the 'unofficial' vid, this is pretty much the same, but with all the cool new visual effects, textures, and models.

Anyways, here's the YouTube link:

Tell me what you think!


Juju 16 years ago

Looking good for a tech demo. Could do with some more scenery and objects in the hallways and rooms and be careful not to abuse the shiney floor thing, have a bit of variety. Some of those models are pretty weak as well but I'm sure you knew that already! Generally looking very promising, keep it up.

JW 16 years ago

That looks rather awesome. (: Really reminds me of half-life.

Rolf_Soldaat 16 years ago

I assume the explosions and death anims are subject to change?

Xxypher 16 years ago


Stop it with that short blog thing.


mrmediocrity 15 years, 11 months ago
