Some Goats.

Posted by Charlie Carlo on Jan. 20, 2013, 4:20 p.m.

I made some goats.

My brain isn't working right today. I can't concentrate. I was going to work on Credence Filter but I'm so scattered. I can't even focus on mindlessly playing video games, it's weird.

Maybe I just haven't been getting enough sleep.

There is no blog.


JuurianChi 12 years ago

"Oh, the weekends we wasted away…"

Don't be a quitter.

There is no comment.


svf 12 years ago

"My brain isn't working right today. I can't concentrate. I was going to work on Credence Filter but I'm so scattered. I can't even focus on mindlessly playing video games, it's weird.

Maybe I just haven't been getting enough sleep.

There is no blog."

Everyday for me.

colseed 12 years ago

I knew this was going to be a Charlie Carlo blog as soon as I saw the title in the activity feed

….how did i know that

JuurianChi 12 years ago

Well, Rob is banned.

Who else goats?

colseed 12 years ago

lol good point

also the left goat's coloring makes me think of princess mononoke

except, y'know

it's a goat

pounce4evur 12 years ago

Maybe I just haven't been getting enough sleep
I read "Maybe I just haven't been getting enough sheep."

I thought, that explains the goats then.

I like the goat on the right.

BP Scraps 12 years ago

The goat on the left kinda looks like Kratos from God of War.

Charlie Carlo 12 years ago

It was supposed to be bleeding from the eye. I don't know why. I was so damn tired yesterday.

Iasper 12 years ago

The left goat is a typical Charlie goat in your style. The right goat looks nice because of the new stuff you tried but the head makes it look retarded.

Charlie Carlo 12 years ago

I made these in like 10 minutes under the influence of insomnia. I have legitimately done some stuff in that style, though. That style being no outlines.