A Poem

Posted by Ferret on May 27, 2010, 1:43 a.m.

Oh how I wish

That I was British

My accent would be wonderful

My future would not be doubtful

My country would not have such a large debt

It would be worthwhile to watch the television set

I am not British, so I am in sorrow

If I were British, Immersion would ship by tomorrow


Apparently us United States citizens don't get physical copies of Pendulum's Immersion until later this year. I realized this when I looked at my Amazon order. My order hasn't been shipped yet and will be arriving between June 11th-15th. ;_; After a look at pendulum.com the only way US citizens can get this album is a digital copy. I'm considering buying this, of course that would mean buying this album twice, something that strikes me as "not a good economic move." Now I know downloading it illegal is possible, but I really want to buy this album, like I earned it and it's mine to keep. Well I did already buy it >_>… Idk… Not sure what to do. Suggestions?


Also, if you know ways to get this album without torrents I would love to hear, I don't trust torrents… Nvm, a friend helped me out :P

Hai Zemic

No free time. I know we all say it, but I truly mean it. I go to school Monday through Friday, School on Tuesdays and Thursday is short but are filled with work. Every weekend I work both Saturday and Sunday. It has been this way for months now and it is really starting to wear down on me. I haven't slept-in since winter break (My class starts at 7 am) and every night I'm up late doing homework or whipped out from working all day (my job is constant hard labor). My friends think I'm depressed. I can't even imagine having a girlfriend with a life like this

I really like this prodigy album, I'm going to try and find more. Ever wanted to just disappear for a while? I want to.

PS sorry for the multi-post if anyone saw that, my internet was acting up…


Quietus 13 years, 11 months ago

at least a poem was produced by your frustrations :P and sorry about your lack of free time, i would send you some if that were possible =|

Scott_AW 13 years, 11 months ago

I disagree with everything in that poem except that last bit. That is so true.

I think there should be more a push for international hard copies, digit is nice but its easily lost, and DRMs suck ass.

Cesque 13 years, 11 months ago


SteveKB 13 years, 11 months ago

Meh just cuz i'm british doesn't mean i have an accent @__@ been in the states for too long and their laziness has altered my accent XD

Toast 13 years, 11 months ago

My accent is only coherent to those local within a 30-mile radius

My future is doubtful

My country is in larger debt than the US

I wish television was more worthwhile, but all we get are awful low-budget dramas, ridiculous talent/audition shows and repeats by a certain Broadcasting Corporation we actually pay to show us repeats.

I am British, so I am in sorrow

Ferret 13 years, 11 months ago

Sorry, quite a few things in the poem are incorrect, I just needed to fill it up with some stuff to get my Immersion point across.

their laziness has altered my accent XD
I know you didn't mean to, but please don't generalize all Americans, we have lots of assholes and lazy assholes, but some of us aren't :\

Like me :'(

OL 13 years, 11 months ago

Been listening to Immersion for ages now, it's amazing.