Birthday blog!
Birthday blog.Birthday.Blog..So some time ago I was going to write a blog titled Climbing Out of the Rabbit Hole, and while I like the title, the blog was so serious. Too serious. I'm tired of serious.It doesn't help that the topic was pretty serious too, *waves arms in the air* the clash between life expectations and reality *ghost noises* WooOOooOOoo…Basically I spent almost 6 months out of college with no job, I would mostly be rejected interviews. When I did get an interview, about half the time I would get a second interview. Sometimes the interviews were bullshit (*cough* amazon), sometimes I would just completely fuck it up and not have a good answer, and sometimes I would fucking nail it… only to hear that they went with someone else and oh man you were so close please try again in 8 months when you are dead.But none of those miserable months matter anymore because *trumpets* BAW B-B-b-BUAM! Ferret is officially employed! That's right ladies and gentlemen, employed, with a salary, 401k, and benefits! Yeah. Woo.Can't help but feel a small sting after trying so many companies I wanted to work for. I ain't going to be working in vidya games like I mused about last blog. I did try, I thought I did well enough, turns out I don't know a lot about something I haven't done much of. WHO WOULDA THUNK.Honestly though, I'm excited for my job, it pays well, they are paying for my move and more, and now I get to live my own life and focus on what I want. Also this Ferret is moving to Austin Texas! Smell ya later Cyrus! (In all seriousness Cyrus, you got a couch you can sleep on in Austin anytime now, please visit me)Oh and bye LARGames, who lives like 20 minutes away from me but I've never met. :PMelancholy blog.Once I get my first paycheck I'll buy GM:Studio and be a proper game mod again!Hugs and kisses.But mostly kisses.
I'll move to Austin! We could build real life Sidewinders to play Elite in!
Not really but it's cold up here pls help.Another birthday post?! Stop getting older, people.
Happy birthday!
Happy birthday yo!
Everyone is moving to Texas what the heck. Lot of 64digizens in TX.Let's have a bbq.Happy birthday,
now your death is one year closer (assuming you die on your birthday, but why wouldn't you?).Happy birthday!