Mhfu: a new member

Posted by Mhfuisthebest on Sept. 26, 2010, 10:24 a.m.

Hello all fellow 64digits members ^_^

I am Mhfu (Marcus G.), owner of Stray Ware, and programmer.

Mhfu stands for Monster Hunter Freedom Unite. i named myself that because i really loved the game >.<

Stray Ware is a new little group (work in progress name and logo (may AV is the logo)) and it has very nice members so far:

Me, Mega, GMFreak(hes not on here i believe), and Patrick (hes not on here either).

our current projects are RQ (Ruthless quest) which is going great, has lighting and the basic movement done so far (barely started obviously)

my current projects that i am doing independently (but i still get help so not completely independently) are

Game (working title)

Here is what i had:

Here is the tileset i used (made my me):

and here it is being re-sprited:

Game is a scrolling adventure platform-shooter (my favorite genre to play and make) that has 8-way directional shooting (thanks to a friend) and lots of other cool stuff :3

Bioshock 2D

This game is a fangame that is going to follow its own story line and add in some plasmids that i wanted to see in the game myself. it is a platform shooter and it has a lot of cool things, one being that the plasmids interact (shoot out a tornado and then shoot fire or lightning at it to make a new tornado type)

Cell Arcade

this game is more of a realization what variables could do to me. this mouse shooter is coming along nicely. i dont believe i will finish it but it does show some nice motion blur and enemies.


This game was made in a week i believe for a comp i entered at another site. mouse-shooter that has some RPG elements thrown in that is suppose to follow the theme "Growth". i put in the growth theme by making you level up and getting a new weapon every time you do so.


An abandoned project but mentionable. it has evolved into a mouse shooter and it didnt even go far because of my poor planning (i started it and didnt have a story nor much logic when making the enemies and characters >.<)

So that's pretty much all i have done (that is worth mentioning) in my 7-8 months of programming.

you can probably catch me in the IRC ^_^



gmfreak 13 years, 7 months ago

Hi Mhfu. :)


Juju 13 years, 7 months ago

We took on Toast despite his… difficulties adapting to social situations and slow learning speed. We feel he rounds off the website well irrespective of the fact we have to wipe his bum and dress him in the mornings.

Toast 13 years, 7 months ago

…whats best is his full username. Pure gold.

Scott_AW 13 years, 7 months ago

Mush's pixel art tutorial would bve a good start.

Otherwise its always nice to see someone who actually post about games now and again.

This place is a haven of sarcasm and thick skin.

Leyenda 13 years, 7 months ago

@mhfu: I recommend a different forum. Not 64digits. As you can see from the posts here, we ridicule new members and drive them away.

So leave now, before it's too late. You won't like it here.

Ferret 13 years, 7 months ago

Don't tell him to leave :(

And we aren't ridiculing him, just criticism, you can't improve without it :(

Scott_AW 13 years, 7 months ago

Seriously, he has screenshots and multple games and is not asking for a bunch of stuff or writing EMO poetry….

MMOnologueguy 13 years, 7 months ago

This motherfucker guy has a distinct lack of ridiculousity.

Ferret 13 years, 7 months ago

I agree with scott aw, I praise this guy and hope he stays.

Rob 13 years, 7 months ago

Quote: MHFU (Masochistic Horny Fornicating Unicorn?)

Here is the tileset i used (made my me):

Welcome to 64Digits!