Game Jolt Contest 10November 9 - 18
I thought I'd give making a game one more try. I might blog my progress when it starts. Not a livestream, that's just a tragic waste of everyone's time.If anyone else is joining hit up this blog and we can pretend we're friends on the Internet.
GamesToast -
Drink Driver Bros (flash; play in browser)
Charlie Carlo -
Grimgala (download)
ill see what hits me when the theme is announced
So the theme is party then…
Think "party conversation simulator". You walk around a party while random words fall down the screen, it's your job to type them in order to make coherent sentences.Dude: Hey man, cool party huh?You: That… think there like me poop.I have an awesome if slightly implausible idea for it.Party Shoes!
You have to take your girlfriend shopping for new shoes for an awesome party that is coming up, but all her friends are out trying to get the same shoes! CATASTROPHE.You must run ahead of said girlfriend, beating up all her friends to stop them getting to the hallowed shoes before she does.You win when you kill or K.O. all her friends or something, but then you get to the party and no one's there because, well, they're all dead. :(What will feminism have to say about that one
My name is Juurian, not feminism. >:|
Cool cool cool
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