Does anyone actually like school?

Posted by Archive555 on May 18, 2007, 1:29 a.m.

I dont know about you, but I really hate school. It puts thoughts into peoples minds, like, for instance, is Iraq really all that bad? Americans invaded it and it became a hell hole. But all our teachers tell us is that Iraq is bad this, and Iraq is bad that, blah blah blah. Do half of us even need that education? Of that half that dont, 50% already know it all, and the other 50% end up becoming homeless, comitting suicide, or working in a job that doesnt involve maths, english, or geography of any kind. Really. Whats the point. Have you played Canis Canem Edit? Good game. Good point. Dog eat dog, doesnt that pretty much sum up school? I think so.


Panithadrum 16 years, 11 months ago

Do teachers say that Iraq is bad in your schools? What the … The governments and states play with our minds -_-

Cesar 16 years, 11 months ago

I like school, I don't want to be a complete dumbass for the rest of my life for not going to school… I disagree on how they actually run the school, though

Gamer3D 16 years, 11 months ago

Math and science are useful. Grammar isn't as useful.

P.S. The American invasion didn't cause the war. Four plane hijakings by Islamic radicals (not to mention the murders of their occupants and countless other innocents) caused the war.

Rob 16 years, 11 months ago

I seriously doubt a drunk person would be able to spell anything like that.


Thats why I'm glad I'm Canadian, not American!

shadowstrike32 16 years, 11 months ago

if you really have such an ignorant outlook on school and life in general, then perhaps you would serve to world better not attending it at all.

we could always use more homeless.

Takagi 16 years, 11 months ago

There are TONS of times when Brits and Americans slaughtered and oppressed people. Apartheid in South Africa, India, Native Americans, etc. [:(]

I like school. I've got *gasp* friends there. And girls. [:p]

KaBob799 16 years, 11 months ago

school is a meh sort of thing for me, a lot of the time I sit around doing nothing but then I get to talk to my friends a lot too.

blueBX 16 years, 11 months ago

I like school for certain reasons (which you don't wan't to read)

beam 16 years, 11 months ago

i actually enjoy school as well, but maybe it's because i was lucky enough to go to a public school that wasn't a shithole, and college i enjoy because it's COLLEGE

iwulff 16 years, 11 months ago

Am i the only one that actually enjoys going to school because he likes to learn stuff? XD Ofcourse there are friends and girls on school :P. At my school it's more like self study. If you have a question or something, you go to a teacher and they will explain or schedule an hour in, to explain stuff to the group your in (mostly 6-8 persons). But most of the time, you just plan in your own hours.