So, I've made an intro screen, and here's a first look at the beginning of the game, the first landing site in the Maibuu Rainlands. I was wondering what you guys thought of the more cave-like approach to design for this area?? Also, as for those crystals, do you like the orange? because it also looks awesome purple… but I feel something is missing… ideas?
Blue goes with everything.
I agree with Carlo. I really want to see beta release ASAP
Also, I'm not sure how interesting it would be, but have you considered livestreaming yourself working on Depths?
I'd totally tune into that.
And we could all gab it up in IRC.I have the feeling this would work out well on (handheld) consoles as well. Looks awesome.
Is there gonna be controller support? Theres no fuckin start button on my keyboard.
I have the feeling this would work very well if not better on a (3)DS
^Thats what I was saying on an earlier blog of depths. I would buy the whole damn system for this game. Especially if it had achievements and stuff that could post online for friends to see.
Could be one of those handhelds made specifically for and with the game. Could make the little handheld thingy look awesome and Depths-related. Like those McDonald's toys they sold years and years ago, except not shit.
I think it's a lot easier to market a game than manufacturing and marketing a console. The idea is pretty fun though but I think people would prefer buying actual popular consoles and not consoles with only one game.