When SY hacked my account

Posted by Acid on June 28, 2015, 11:23 a.m.


He just randomly showed this to me right after he did it, we laughed, and it was a good time.


OBELISK 9 years ago

I like how I'm the first on your contacts list

I like how ChIkEn is highlighted

I like all of this and miss the good old days

Rez 9 years ago

good ol' MSN :(


Alert Games 9 years ago

RIP in peace JakeX

twisterghost 9 years ago

Joining in the heartbreak here with the loss of the MSN era. To this day my favorite messaging service :(

DesertFox 9 years ago

Teh feelz :<

Moikle 9 years ago

Sometimes I wish I got more involved with the community back in the day, but then I realise that the less interaction anyone had with teenage me the better.

Amarin 9 years ago

RIP MSN. Nobody did it better.

KaBob799 9 years ago

The internet just hasnt been the same since msn died

Alert Games 9 years ago

The internet just hasnt been the same since msn died
More true than you know.

Lets make a new one. Along with a new social network that isn't like facebook with 'real' identities.

Acid 9 years ago

It used to be scattered - where it felt like you couldn't connect with people because "I use myspace but he's on Twitter and she's on Facebook" but everybody is on everything and if you really want to talk to someone it's as easy as adding everyone to a Slack or starting a group chat on whatever social media you feel like (probably Facebook for most of us)

MSN was kind of butt and I liked AIM better.

Slack is the shit though. We should get a Slack.