Atheists are right

Posted by BMB on Aug. 7, 2006, 8:57 p.m.

You know I'm really starting to get sick and tired of people pretending to be a Christian. It's not something you can just "play pretend" on. As I look around, for example, on MySpace like 70% the users have the "Christian - Other" under religion, but when it comes down to it about half of them REALLY DON'T care about it. Here, I'll sum up the average Joe American teen's thoughts on religion:

"I know God's real… I believe in God and Jesus and stuff, I'm just not religious or anything… I'm mean I believe in him & I'm a pretty good person, so I'll get to Heaven."

You don't know how many times I hear this, and most of you reading this are just like that. The sad thing is that you actually believe it!

"Oh, I don't believe in Hell or the Devil, or even if it does exist I don't think God sends people there, he's supposed to be a loving god. He wouldn't do that"

Your right, God doesn't send people to Hell, we choose our path in life thus we choose to take ourselves there.

Another thing that quote makes me realize is this: You claim to believe in God, yet you denie what he says. His word clearly says that their IS in fact a HELL. This is the same thing with saying that you can believe that life evolved over millions and billions of years and still believe in God. You CAN'T! You're saying that what he said he did and what he actually did are two different things. God doesn't lie! Although according to your made up religion he does. You see, the so call religion you follow is FAKE, made up and just like the Atheists say, someone just made it up to explain unknown things in a way that makes you happy. You see they ARE RIGHT when they say that your God doesn't exist. Wanna know why, because you made him up! Really, you made up everything you know as to be "God", you've honestly never read the Bible which is the written word of the REAL God. Your God is all in your head, never really there.

Alright… I guess what I was trying to do what to separate the REAL believers from the people that claim to believe just because everyone else's doing it. If you don't even know about the religion you claim to follow, don't claim to follow it anymore because you obviously don't already.


RhysAndrews 17 years, 9 months ago

Ok, DarkSirrusGames, I read your article, you read mine.

y so many religions all come from one specific location on the earth… etc.
That would mainly be because most religions are thoroughly based on Christianity. What you need to realise is that although religion is the cause for most wars, that doesn't make it Gods fault… but ours, and even non-religious people play a part in it.


Humans-Evolved. the current progress of thousands of millions of years of evolution and slow but immense change of terrestrial lifeforms that started as the simplist shreads of existance.


Humans-The people created virtually magically by our all powerful, all knowing, unquestionable, infinatly powerful yet strangely unseen and absent LORD, THE ALMIGHTY GOD!! created less than 7000 years ago
Oh, wonderful over-exagerration. Who says God didn't use Evolution to create us? The Bible wrote only what the readers need to hear to understand God and his almighty existence. I mean, as far as I'm concerned, the 7 days could actually have been 4 years, 700 years, or billions of years, or 5 minutes. The thing is, if the bible was written to make perfect scientifical sense to say scientists or atheists, then it would be too much for many people to comprehend, thus the hand of God isn't stretched out as far because most people would find the bible a load of nonsense that didn't make sense. You see scientists are constantly trying to find what's outside of the universe, and it's right in the bible. I tell you, if God was described as He is in the bible, instead of depicted as a male, human king, our brains simply would fail trying to comprehend it… we'd die, in fact. There are no words, no possible man-made thing that can comprehend or describe what God is really like, because it's like picking up something hundreds of times your bodyweight. God created us, if he created us to be bigger than him, as in, being able to comprehend Him for who he really is, than we could beat God, couldn't we? If we create a Lego man, that lego man cannot comprehend us. Any man-made thing cannot comprehend us. It's virtually the same thing with God to us. Yet, the bible is written simply, depicting God as a Human figure, so that we can comprehend him for what we need to know Him as, to be able to have a relationship with Him. Stop trying to think outside the square, the answers right in front of you. Yes, it's a matter of opinion. If you don't choose God, that's up to you and i'm fine with it.

By the way, REZ, I fully agree with you.


Rhys Andrews

Kaz 17 years, 9 months ago

Im atheist. Im cool with other peoples beliefs. I wish others that are religious felt the way I do and not try to push their religion on others.

And no I didnt actually read the blog because Im tired.

ultim8p00 17 years, 9 months ago

OMG man, I know exactly what you mean> Like i go to church and stuff and I see people from school there and we all have a good time and stuff. Then, these SAME people are the people I hear at lunch talking about f***ing a girl, or getting drunk at the latest party or something.

I myself am not very religious, but I have morals and limits.


It is not christianity that commited all those things. It is its practitioners that did. Just because they did wrong things doesn't mean the religion itself is bad. The proof? JESUS HIMSELF bashed the jews and church leaders and stuff.They got corrupted and began using christianity as a pretext for their own selfish desires.

ultim8p00 17 years, 9 months ago

There just HAS to be a GOD you know. I mean come on! I kinda believe the whole thing about evolution, but I believe that It coincides with religion. Genesis says God made the world, but not exactly HOW it was made. I believe GOD was behind the big-bang thing. I mean did that dense grape fruit sized ball of matter just come out of nowhere to start expanding? Someone MUST have started the process.

ApexInc 17 years, 9 months ago

I am a Christian and im with you on the fact that most are hypocrites..but to a certain extent all who are truly Christians, who are supposed to strive to be like Jesus(sinless), are hypocritical as it says in Romans 3:23 "For all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God."..There is no excuse for being a hypocrite but there is a hypocrite in all of us.

DSG 17 years, 9 months ago

@Rhys… uhm… the fricken BIBLE

DSG 17 years, 9 months ago

dont shape and shift a religion so it can still be LEGIT. christianity is christianity.

ApexInc 17 years, 9 months ago

@ ultim8p00: good observation

Kaz 17 years, 9 months ago

im actually athiest because i believe religion is a simple product of human nature to fill the gap of the unknown with an assumption
Yea same with me.

DSG 17 years, 9 months ago


God created us, if he created us to be bigger than him, as in, being able to comprehend Him for who he really is, than we could beat God, couldn't we? If we create a Lego man, that lego man cannot comprehend us. Any man-made thing cannot comprehend us. It's virtually the same thing with God to us.

that totally destroys the value of "god" because ur basically saying gods power is only relitive. whos to say something did not create god based on your logic… NOT SAYING US but the GOD of god… as if GOD is the HUMAN if the GREATER GOD…

holes in your reasoning rhys.

most people only believe in such a thing as GOD only because they were raised ebing told its the truth as did the parents parents and etc.

plus, evolution in the eyes of the average christion is BLASTPHEMY, in other words, direct ignorance and rejection of "the truth" aka GOD.

dont think u can change my mind. i was raised a christian but seriously questioned the validity of such an entity before it became a mindlessly accepted "fact" of life.

its so simple really. if i told you the moon was made of cheese as did your parents, from your birth to now, you would believe it without a doubt and smirk at those who think otherwise. nobody could argue with you because you would simply dismis such a ludacris idea as fiction.